The DC Universe has arrived- September 15th on Batman Day the streaming begins...
****** update**** Breaking news!!!!
For the next 2 weeks(thru Oct 14th) there will be give-a-ways and sweepstakes available to all DC Universe subscribers only. You will need to enter they are not automatic. They be located in the news section via your PC access to the service . To find the contests/sweepstakes click more on the DC header at top of screen and then news... after you will need to scroll down the page there will the giveaways mixed with news of the day ... some are for 24 hrs only others may be for longer in terms of entering.. so good hunting... and your aim be tried and true like an archer or a Green Arrow...and here's a few examples...
Above: was a 5 day sweepstakes for an invite to the premiere of Titans a new original series that will air on Oct 12th on the DC Universe.
Below: Wonder Woman action figure giveaway .. ended on sept 29th...
Riddle me this , riddle me that Batman...What has a plethora of over the top villains, a bunch of busy body no good do gooders and layers and layers of secret lairs? While containing some of the most sought after knowledge of comicdom spanning over 75 years? Well you straightlaced, caped cruzette... it's none other than DC Universe. From the golden age heros to some of the newer renditions of earlier established characters with flowing capes.
Below: A word from our sponsor
Hi everyone ..this is what I have been waiting for over a year and it is finally here ... and I will be writing about this on my page Reviews on the Edge which is on Facebook and Twitter as well as here on Linkedin ...this is huge ...I grew up as a fan of DC and can actually remember back to when I was 3 1/2 years old sitting on the floor of our living room watching Batman 66 as the episodes first aired. So to see all the talented people at DC and that Universe itself being available all in one place is mind blowing. To say I am stoked is an understatement. One of the most talked about, anticipated OTT services. More than a year in the making.
What better way to launch the service and to introduce this very well constructed channel than to debut it on National Batman Day. For me that is everything since I grew on up watching Batman 1966 and he was my first exposure to the DC line up and my first superhero. Adam West that he was my guy. That show changed my life and I wanted more. So I went in search of the source and that is when I discovered comics. I was hooked like a Bat Grappling Hook or a Batarang.
Any DC fan, no matter who is in there universe (meaning who are the heroes and characters they relate to-the ones that have and do inspire our lives) will find more than enough to help them deep dive into any one in the DC lineup. And no regardless of the format.
There is everything from live action films to animated series, some streaming for the very first time in HD: including the first 3 seasons of Batman The Animated series and Wonder Woman the live action TV show from the mid 70's starring Lynda Carter. All 4 of Christopher Reeves Superman films. Plus 6 live action Batman movies including th 2 Tim Burtons' starring Michael Keaton(for a limited time).
What a total thrill for me. This is also a chance to relive some of my favorites shows from my childhood. It's like Saturday Mornings and weekday afternoons all over again...between the entire Superfriends cartoon series.
The Adventures of Superman with George Reeves I'm all set...George was my first Superman and is hard to top.. just get a bowl of Alphabits or Honeycombs cereal and a glass of Tang...umm mmm yum yum.
We are also talking digital comics. Now how cool is that. The platform has the best comic reader around. just a mere click of of your mouse or your Roku remote zooms in on a panel. The artwork in these digital renderings is spectacular. But what isn't...the answer- nothing. So I say hold onto your seats or your shorts for this wonderful place is full of curated product with fan input to boot. The comics being streamed are positioned to give more depth to the characters that make up all movies and Television that is being provided on DC Universe on a monthly basis, What I mean by this is that for all the Batman live and animated adventures that you can watch you the fan immerse yourself even more into that part of the DC realm with say the villains first appearances, classic Joker stories with Batman golden age issues # 1-5 and Detective Comics # 4000 with Challenge of the Man-Bat on the cover & inside.
How about new and exclusive content featuring the hottest heroes to the villains who want to take them out and commit that perfect crime or just rack up some chaos and mayhem on the unsuspecting. If I didn't know better I would think it's my birthday and what a present DC has given me. Fans of Harley Quinn, say no more because coming soon is a brand new animated series based on her previous incarnations, That alone has me drooling-I had to pick up my jaw when I heard this. and Or if you are a Teen Titan fan then on October 12th and new episodes airing every Friday thru the end of the year for a total of 12 the new Teen Titan show and not animated but live action with Robin, Raven, Beast Boy and Starfire. This Teen Titans series to be called simply Titans is being watched over by the legendary Geoff Johns. Geoff has been responsible for an incredible body of work within the comic industry and examples are writing for The Flash. He is not only a writer of comics but Television and Film but a producer for both mediums.
DC Daily, a new show everyday- my hats off to all the crew on screen and off including the likes of John Barrowman and Tiffany Smith & Hector Navarro from DC All Access... keeping it fresh and irreverent...sprinkled with some humor and loaded with info along with trivia and great guests ... as they said on Get Smart "And loving it!!!" or on Space Ghost, "There's a lesson here somewhere.." or maybe it was Batman 1966 when Dick and Bruce said to Aunt Harriet - "Sorry Aunt Harriet we forgot about the late night fishing competition down at the Gotham City Pier. The City Council is sponsoring it and Dick and I did say we would make an appearance and you know we love fishing...." and Aunt Harriet would reply "oh those boys always dashing off somewhere in the middle of the night. I just don't know how Dick ever gets his homework done..honestly.."
With DC Daily you just never know who may drop by. We are talking big names like George Perez, Jim Lee, Kevin Conroy and many more.
Oh and by the way make sure you check out the news section on DC Universe not just for more indepth DC news but for sweepstakes and contests ... you might just make out with some great swag and that don't hurt none!!!
I was fortunate to preview the Universe a couple days prior to the launch and I am nothing but in awe and more than satisfied of signing up for the channel. I have watched it on my PC and Roku and both platforms perform well beyond my expectations. I really love having all the variable media formats on one app. The response rate is lickety split when downloading a film or TV episode. There is the ability to create a favorites list. Already there has been new content added over the last couple of days. I like when a service does that. It keeps the choices fresh and it instills the desire to keep returning as often as possible to see what is current and make sure I don't miss anything. Plus you have the chance to socialize with other fans on the DC Community. This DC Universe gets an 11 on a 1-10 scale or ***** 1/2 out of 5.
So as I head down to my secret lair - I just got word my services are needed on the other side of the city. So I ask you who's in your universe?
Available on your PC and streaming platforms including Roku
and IOS, Android TV, Apple TV and Android.
see below links to two previous articles that will give you a better Batclue as to who is in mine...
Link to TwoMorrow Publishing where you can order Monster Mash and see their latest magazine - Retro Fan
Below link to TwoMorrow:
DC Universe -link to register:
Comixology- link:
Below: Links to read more of my articles and follow me on Twitter and Linkedin. or