DC Ultimate Character Guide
Happy Publication Day! A DC Comics soliloquy
There are a few projects that take you down memory lane, projects that bring back long buried memories of you sitting on your bed in your y-fronts, watching cartoons and reading comics. Comics were an escape for me, stories of people who who triumph against adversity in some cases, children, who have to sneak out of school, lie to parents in order to save the city from The Joker. Yep, at 10 years old, I wanted to be Robin. Then I could handle all the bullies.
Imagine years later being asked by a friend to create the DC Ultimate Character Guide, a book showcasing each character, a book reminiscent of DC’s Who’s Who. I could work directly with DC! I was over the moon. Any reason to open the comic boxes and subscribe to DC’s Infinite comics app as you just HAVE TO get the best as well as the most contemporary art available.
As a Book Packager at Intrepid Books, we pour everything into our packaged projects, drawing on over 20 years publishing experience. We storyboard, sketch layouts, design, offer editorial and author solutions, manage schedules and budgets with a dash of boldness to try something different. We find the solutions required to get the best product to ease those in-house pressures.
I wish I could go back and tell that shy, skinny, yet optimistic and imaginative 10yr old that one day he would helm a project like this. I think he would be ecstatic …especially when I slip him the lottery numbers!
DC Ultimate Character Guide
written by the ‘Totally Awesome’ Melanie Scott
edited by ‘The Incredible’ John Tomlinson
Designed and Managed by Jake Da’Costa and the Intrepid Books team.
Also starring real world in-house heroes, Chris Gould , Vicky Short and Mark Staples.
Published by DK .
Available now from all good local bookshops!