DC Building Energy Performance
J Michael Galway, PE, LEED AP, CPD
Principal @ LORING Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Under the District of Columbia's Clean and Affordable Energy Act of 2008, starting with the calendar year 2021 data (due April 1, 2022) all privately-owned buildings over 25,000 square feet will be required to energy benchmark, and starting with the calendar year 2024 data (due April 1, 2025) all privately-owned buildings over 10,000 square feet will be required to energy benchmark. This is mandated under the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018. Currently under the Act, Owners of all large private buildings (over 50,000 gross square feet) must benchmark their energy and water efficiency annually, and report the results to DOEE for public disclosure. The District government also must benchmark and disclose the energy and water efficiency of District government buildings over 10,000 gross square feet annually.?
If you need assistance or more information, Loring Consulting Engineers can help - email or call us.