DBUNK'D: Tucker Carlson's Account of Jan 6. is not entirely accurate.

DBUNK'D: Tucker Carlson's Account of Jan 6. is not entirely accurate.

Tucker Carlson's recent airing of exclusive footage from surveillance cameras from the Capitol on January 6, 2021, has reignited the debate surrounding the January 6 incident. Carlson claims that the video reveals the lies told by the Democratic Party and questions why the Capitol police were unprepared despite ample warning. Is Tucker Carlson's account of 'mostly peaceful chaos' during the January 6, 2021 capital breach true??

To answer this question, we must look at the footage from the surveillance cameras from the Capitol. The footage does show some individuals peacefully entering the Capitol building, however, it does not fully account for the violence that occurred during the breach. While some of the protesters were peacefully let in by the Capitol police, some of the protesters engaged in violence and destruction, resulting in five deaths and several injuries.?

This indicates that Carlson's account of the January 6 incident is only partially true. While it is true that some protesters were peacefully let into the Capitol, the violence that occurred during the breach cannot be overlooked. It is also important to note that the Capitol police were warned days before the incident, yet they were still unprepared to handle the breach, raising questions about the level of accountability of the Capitol police.

While Carlson's airing of the video footage has shown some of the lies told by the Democratic Party, it has also raised questions about why the Capitol police were unprepared despite ample warning. It is important to remember that the video footage does not fully account for the violence that occurred during the breach, and it is important to consider both sides of the story before drawing any conclusions.?

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Original link to article: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-january-6-videos-touch-nerve-because-they-threaten-dems-lies



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