DB2 V13 - Pre-migration steps

Before you migrate to Db2 13, you must prepare your system for migration. Preparations include making adjustments for release compatibilities, running premigration queries, and completing other premigration tasks.

  1. Verify Db2 13 premigration activities and activate function level 510 in Db2 12 Before you can migrate Db2 to Db2 13, you must complete certain premigration activities and activate function level 510 in Db2 12.
  2. Check readiness for migration to Db2 13 You can check the readiness of your Db2 12 environment for migration to Db2 13.
  3. Run premigration queries (DSNTIJPM) Before you migrate to Db2 13, run premigration queries on the Db2 12 catalog.
  4. Rebind old plans and packages in Db2 12 to avoid disruptive autobinds in Db2 13 By taking appropriate actions in Db2 12 well before migration to Db2 13, you can minimize the risk of disruptive automatic binds of application plans and packages during and after migration to Db2 13.
  5. Free inactive package copies When you use plan management polices to save package copies, original copies can become stale. By freeing inactive copies just before migration, you enable Db2 to save usable original package copies at the first rebind in Db2 13.
  6. Make adjustments for incompatible changes in Db2 13 Some changes in Db2 13 might affect your Db2 operations after migrating.
  7. Adjust subsystem parameter settings for parameters removed in Db2 13 Before you can migrate to Db2 13, you must set the values of certain subsystem parameters that are removed in Db2 13.
  8. Examine all new and changed values for DB2I panels During a migration, the DB2I default panels DSNEOP01 and DSNEOP02 are not initialized with the values that are specified during the installation CLIST process. The DB2I panel variables in the ISPF profile from the previous release are used on the current release. Any customized DSNEPROF members are migrated from your previous release to Db2 13.
  9. Ensure that sample objects from your previous release are available If you no longer have the IVP jobs from your previous release, you need to run the previous release's installation CLIST to regenerate them.
  10. Convert the Db2 catalog and directory to 10-byte RBA and LRSN format It is strongly recommended that you convert the catalog and directory to the 10-byte format before or soon after you convert the BSDS to the 10-byte format. The BSDS conversion was required before Db2 started in Db2 12.
  11. Convert RLF tables to the current format Before migration to Db2 12, you must convert your resource limit facility (RLF) tables to take advantage of longer field sizes that were introduced in Db2 11 and in DB2? version 8.
  12. Ensure that no utility jobs are running In Db2 13, you can restart or terminate a utility only on the same release on which it was started.
  13. Identify applications that are incompatible with online migration Before scheduling an online migration, you can identify applications, activities, and Db2 resources that might be incompatible with catalog migrations and updates and take appropriate actions beforehand to minimize the possibility of a failed migration.
  14. You can use the Db2 13 sample applications to verify the operation of Db2 after installation or new function activation. These sample applications are also called installation verification procedures (IVPs).





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