There Are Days When Decades Happen
It’s happening in the US. It will happen in Canada with Pierre Poilievre. It will happen in the UK with the reform party. It will happen in the EU.
Armageddon or Resurrection?
Your call.
Like flipping a light switch, there’s been a change in mass consciousness that’s profound.
Nobody is paying any attention to the globalists or to the status quo.
Because there is no status quo; the shapeshifting is too fast.
The great reset looks to be something quite different from the old narrative.
It doesn’t look like we’ll be eating insects, owning nothing and being happy.
Bad call, George.
As Bob Farrell observed, “When all the experts and forecasts agree — something else is going to happen.â€
Investment thoughts:
1) The market is usually efficient in pricing in events, but, I don’t believe that the Trump phenomenon has been priced in … price discovery is impossible at warp speed.
2) The gravy train has derailed with unknown, 4th Turning, indecipherable consequences.
3) It’s back to the future that might look more like 1911 with a multipolar world, muscling trade and resources.
4) If territorial expansion works for the US, it works for other great powers.
5) Expect resilience over growth.
6) Expect resource nationalism.
7) Expect the return of the political risk premium.
Investors should prepare for a period where the rules of the game are rewritten and where traditional investment metrics may not account for these new dynamics.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.