How You Can Escape the Days of Tribulation!
The book of Revelation in the Bible reveals what will happen during the Days of Tribulation. There will be great suffering and pain on this Earth. The antichrist will have come on the scene promising peace and prosperity. People will flock to him hypnotized, in a trance, and he will promise them many things. Everyone will be in awe of him and the power he wields.
By the Jewish calendar of 360 days each year, there will be 7 years of Tribulation = 2,520 days in total. "This seven-year period is considered to be the final week of Daniel's Prophecy of Seventy Weeks, found in Daniel chapter 9." God is going to unleash his fury and wrath on the earth, on the unbelievers.
These are the troubles coming upon this Earth:
There's still time to repent. You can choose to live here on Earth. Or choose the alternative, call upon Jesus and accept him as your Savior and Lord. Pray this prayer: "Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I believe that you came and died for me on the cross, to save me and this sinful world. You were buried and rose again on the third day. Now you are seated on the right hand of God, your Father. I believe completely and fully in you Lord Jesus. Accept me as I am with all my faults. Wash me clean with your blood, Lord Jesus. Consider me worthy to go with you in the Rapture, Lord Jesus. Save me! I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
IF you prayed this prayer with all your heart and felt sorrowful about the way you have lived until now, you will surely be saved.
John 3:16 says exactly that: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
God does not care about your past or your present status. He ONLY cares about your soul. He wants you to repent of your ways and accept salvation, which is granted through his son, Jesus Christ, who came to the Earth 2,000 years ago, lived a sinless, perfect life, died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day. Accept him and pray from today onwards thanking Him for accepting you as you are to be a part of God's family in heaven.
Please write your comments below if this article helped you. Also do me a favor, and share this article with your friends and family members, who you believe need to read this and be saved. Time is short. Do it right now. Share this article and pray for them as they read it so their spiritual eyes will be opened and they can come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen!
Thank you for reading!
I wrote these articles and wanted to share them with you. Please share with others so every soul can be saved. Thank you.
1) Is the Rapture Imminent?
2) Events leading up to the Rapture
3) The Red Heifer Sacrifice Begins The Third Temple in Jerusalem
4)?The Two Witnesses
5) The Coming of the Antichrist
6) Planetary Signs Pointing to the Impending Rapture?
7)?When They Clamor for Peace and Security
8)?The Days of Tribulation! How you can escape!
Please pray that people who don't know about Christianity will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. I have written these articles on the End Times, based on the Book of Revelation by John. Please share this with those who may not be aware of the last days. Thank you. Come soon, Lord Jesus! Amen!?