Days of Grace

Days of Grace

Days of Grace. That's what's ahead. There comes a day where all things come together, where all effort pays off. While Recruiting today I reached that ethereal conclusion. I'm the sum of my experience, my knowledge and my commitment. This is a good thing. 20 years. It was THIS month May - 2003 where I made the decision that's paid off for all these years - that is to make HR my home, and then later Staffing.

So why Grace? Let me put it this way - when you are staying focused on trying to do everything for the right reasons then that's literally what happens - Grace - in other words as a Religious man I believe strongly that God paves the way to "luck." It may sound funny but I get back what I put in, I get back what I put out as a good effort, and a moral and ethical one. "Do the Right thing" said Donna DeGrande - a leader of mine from Solutions Partners years ago, at the time when I pivoted back to Staffing from pure HR. Those were days of Grace. It was in the depths of the Financial Crisis I found myself. It was in the depths of challenge my character was born. I look back on those days of Grace fully aware it was a change, a choice point that's been critical for these days of Grace I find myself in.

Days of Grace are essentially self won. In other words effort = opportunity. Where you find Grace you find some sacrifice of effort, patience and fortitude paying off. Yes - this is an essential part of who I am. It always will be. I focus on the bigger long term picture. Days of Grace translates to becoming, and with becoming is moments of trial at times, essential is the growth that come from Days of Grace.

What is Grace? The Oxford Dictionary has 2 essential definitions both of which I think give credence to my explanation:

  1. "Simple Elegance or Refinement of Movement."
  2. "Courteous Goodwill"

These definitions are powerful to me. They are the result of refinement, of patience, of growth. Great place to focus my energy on right? In due time every goal, every sacrifice to achieve some greater end will come to fruition. It's like the mountains in my picture - to scale them I have to stay focused.

A call out to a friend of mine - will call him Mr. Thomas. I won't give away his first name. Mr. Thomas is a runner, he scales mountains in my local area - the peaks, the valleys, and everything in between. He LOVES these runs - he's good at them, but he'll tell you when he started this journey he huffed, and puffed, and struggled, now he's like a Gazelle. He succeeds by sheer determination of will, and LOVE for what he does. Could we all adopt this to our lives? Yes. Days of Grace. I am aware the concept of Grace after all we can do is foreign to some. But this is the power of self determined free will to see good things happen across all areas of your life. When you are focused and committed you will take any step, take any action, and literally move any mountain. At some point in these efforts you might need help - but interestingly, when the effort is combined with a sheer desire to make good things happen for clients, for colleagues, for your family these become MAGICAL moments of Grace - yes everything accelerates after fighting through the tough times. Days of Grace.

Enter 2023. Here at this junction of my life I see Days of Grace ahead. I can't describe how powerful of a belief this is, but it guides my course even in times I'm facing a challenge. It's a belief so powerful and so determined that even when knocked down you will be resilient, you will seek the best outcome as your big picture - you WILL climb a mountain.

So - it's with this moment I realize 5 months of 2023 is coming to an end. I have to light that fire so deeply until 2023 becomes the best outcome it can be. And that means in every endeavor. So I speak in a focused way because this year is DIFFERENT. I've felt it for some time, I've felt the tide of Grace rising. There's no other description for it. Days of Grace. I understand that the refinement that comes of growth isn't always easy - that's ok. So be it. I've felt the power deep down to become a stronger version of my self. Indeed, I need days of Grace.

Which leads me to the point I will make - God is over all my path - yes as a Religious man I have to speak with such conviction because my faith is a huge part of my being. To become the best version of myself this will have to be the case. Yes God's Grace is key to my success. I will speak with conviction that whatever you call it - purpose combined with understanding of "who" you are are key factors for success. Know what you want and go get it.

Make the moment your own, live at peace with yourself and your contributions if you've given it your best then Days of Grace will eventually follow. It's a universal truth I've discovered that the more I give of myself for all the right reasons then Grace becomes the powerful differentiator. It's as if I've made my own luck. Indeed, I see days of Grace ahead. Where it leads - good question. All I know is it's time to enjoy the ride. Drive forward with Faith and conviction. The doors open when that is the case.

Indeed, folks will learn of your character and desire when they see it in action - such power to obtain when you keep Faith in what IS possible. Back it by effort and sheer determination of will? That's perhaps making your own luck, but there is a measure of the "Days of Grace" concept that comes into play once effort is rewarded by these moments of growth that come with the perpetual struggle of making oneself better than the day before. Maybe it is a combination of habits, maybe it's a combination of those in your network lifting you up, perhaps it's a bit of God's Grace (good will). But combine this together and when life is calling you to embrace a higher focus of betterment - in due time the effort comes together.

It's a remarkable thing to live life like every moment counts - because it does. We may NEVER get this day back again. So as I reflect on the days of Grace I have witnessed, I see now that life is the sum of my conviction multiplied by my sincere and focused effort. I don't have to be perfect - no quite the contrary - even with any rough edges I might have, I can find Days of Grace when others around me, the universe or a higher power makes up the difference. This is Grace.

Limitless. Such a powerful word. When we get rid of the doubt that this world places upon us, to believe more deeply of the future state we envision then that day will come where we reach our potential. Another amazing human I know James Lawrence the Iron Cowboy is a marathon runner whose book inspired me a few years ago. He set a goal to become the best triathlon runner he could be. And he tackled amazing races becoming a record holder. These aren't easy races: Swimming, Running, and Biking for miles. He set a goal to do 50 of these races in 50 states in 50 days. He accomplished that feat. It was inspiring to meet him and hear his story. I draw inspiration on days where I'm pondering a tough set of circumstances and I think to myself well if the Iron Cowboy can meet that obstacle and dig deep to find a few more steps well I can make a few more steps in my business affairs to grind out a bit more. That's inspiration in the Days of Grace.

Now I ponder the Days of Grace concept. I'm aware that to achieve a break through that's where the effort comes to shine on the moments where things might seem insurmountable - quite frankly days of grace are in essence making one's own luck. Pushing ahead until you get a break through. I believe the Days of Grace concept is a monumental key to every desired outcome. It's what keeps me going when I remind myself "Why" I started. I know the Days of Grace will come when I least expect it, after I've expended energy to make it real. I don't hesitate to write about this because it's a powerful truth. Let yourself find your own Days of Grace and soon you'll be on the path you need to be on. It's been a reality my entire career. I look forward to a great summer, full of conviction and faith in what's possible. Days of Grace are ahead.

