Daylight savings is here to stay
It is a pain to change the time. An hour back in the fall (you get another hour of sleep before the winter comes) and an hour forward in the spring (you lose an hour of sleep, but the warm weather is coming).
I am tired of the fools who say that they will get rid of this nuisance for once and all. Daylight savings should not be ended.
Option 1 - Get rid of daylight savings
If we were to get rid of daylight savings, the sun would be up at 4:10 AM from May 30th until June 30th. Also, the sun would set at 7:30pm for the 2 months of summer that its out until 8:30PM. My preference would be to go forward 2 hours. That would cause some people to set their hair on fire.
Option 2 - Keep daylight savings all year long
If we were to get rid of daylight savings, the sun would rise after 8AM from December 7th until January 29th. At its worst, it would rise at 8:13 AM. That means children would walk around in the dark to school for almost 2 months.
Daylight savings was started for a good reason and should stay forever, or until the Earth gets off its tilt.