Daydreaming: Time well spent
David Pomales
Creative Expert: Branding Specialists/Brand Ambassadors! Our Professional and Creative Abilities at your service!
Boredom, by definition:
The state of feeling disinterested in one's surroundings, having nothing to do, or feeling that life is dull.
Such a definition could be true unless, of course, it leads to ...(drum roll)...daydreaming & its results are a work of brilliance! Boredom has always been seen as a waste of time or that people who daydream have always been labeled as lazy or unmotivated. That couldn't be farther than the truth. It has always carried the stigma of being unproductive and inevitably unsuccessful. Then again, so far from the truth, if the individual really puts time to the side to relax, take a break or needing a brief escape from reality.
Studies have shown:
that people who daydream are actually allowing the body and mind to process the past, present & future. To break it down, as we settle our pasts, we find comfort & reasoning in our present. We then launch ourselves like time travelers into the future, where we see our future self & the steps we must go through to get from where we are to where we want or need to be. This has been shown to draw out ones creativity & even an increase in their daily production.
It is studied that those who daydream are more of the creative nature, and those who allow themselves to daydream begin to tap into their creative side. The number of hats it takes to daydream is incredible. As we daydream we are the writer, director, producer, the vision, the story teller, the editor including highlight reel. All these things take place when one daydreams.
It would be a shame to say that someone who daydreams is lazy, or unproductive. It is safe to say that it does take some inner brilliance to allow yourself the freedom and the luxury to daydream. It will do you Zero harm in all reality. So daydream long as it is well placed.
There is a time and place for everything!
Let's make sure we are in a safe environment and there is no heavy labor or machinery in play! While there are many health benefits to daydreaming. We are pretty sure it's something to wait, until your off the clock! (LoL)
It is said that episodes of daydreaming are much like mini vacations, where anything is possible. "Neuroscience research has shown that mind wandering lights up connections across a series of interacting brain regions known as the default mode network. This network is most commonly active when the brain is at wakeful rest, when it’s planning the future, or focusing inwards." Studies also show that people who daydream are more focused in general & found to be less stressed and more creative.
Research conducted by Dr Joel Pearson and colleagues found that those who took a break between training tasks to let their minds wander performed better on the task the following day, compared to those who trained nonstop.(
The bottom line is that people who daydream seem to be happier. And that my friends is priceless.
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