Day5 – Bhagavad-Gita to a 5 year old

Day5 – Bhagavad-Gita to a 5 year old

Chapter 5 Verse 24 ( Apne mein khush )

Harsha said: What is inside this? (I asked pointing to her head) (Her short hair and keen eyes really made me happy when I saw her wondering what I am asking)

Ahana said: Papa inside my head? Intelligeeennntttt… Smaaarrrttt… You say na when pointing to this during online class.. What is there inside? 

Harsha said: Darling there are many ideas, many thoughts, many nice things we remember - it is all stored here inside our head? We should think of God in all those thoughts and we will be happy all the time..

Ahana said: Hahaha.. Papa.. Then why do u do this when playing with me?? (She enacted my way of doing - rolled her eyes, craned her neck, looked up, snapped her fingers and said ‘idea’) Are there many ideas inside that come out when you do that?

Harsha said: Hahahahha!No Ahana.. We have our brain and inside it there are many nice thoughts and ideas. If I say icecream what do u remember?

Ahana said: Yummy.. Pink colour ice cream cone. Papa.. Its been so many days since we went to eat ice cream.. I wanted to eat one.

All my effort to get my daughter to think of her ideas as the focus were in vain once I gave the ice cream example. We only kept talking about the icecream after that! Is it not the same with our focus on being happy internally?

Is it really possible to remain happy with our ideas and thoughts with so many disturbances?? 


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