Day17 – Bhagavad-Gita to a 5 year old

Day17 – Bhagavad-Gita to a 5 year old

Chapter 8 Verse 1 ( Bhakti yoga )

Harsha said: What are you thinking about now? (She had just got her favourite custard apple served it was kept on the table to be eaten after the Bhagwadgita session is over)

Ahana said: Papa! Sllluuurrrppp.. (Mouth watering sound with body language of a excited little child eager to eat her favourite fruit -Her favourite changes every season though!!)  I m thinking about how sweet that custard apple is..

Harsha said:  Nice.. I am also able to smell the custard apple and I also want to eat it! But right now u r sitting on my lap and you are reading the Bhagwadgita. How come u are able to think about that when doing this??

Ahana said: I love to eat that and that is why I m thinking about it.. And I m waiting for you to finish this so that I can go and enjoy the custard apple..

Harsha said:  OK Ahana. I wil finish quickly.. What you are feeling for custard apple we should also feel for Krishna Bhagwan is what he says in Bhagwadgita.. That is it! You go and eat the custard apple..

Ahana said: (To her mom.. While eating Custard Apple) (Touching her forehead and pointing to me in a mocking way) Mumma.. Krishna Bhagwan is something to eat or what for me to think bout him like I think of Custard apple!!Hehehe.. Pappa says “kuch bhi” stories na!

What do we think about when we have some mind space? That is the Bhakti yoga for today! Do we occupy and cram our mind space with Netflix, tv, junk and social media?

Bhakti yoga for a selfish reason – Even if we can think of ourselves as the centre point of everything it will be so much better – At least our mind will focus on things that matter to us - Love, Ideas & Initiatives! 


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