The Day for You the Night for Me by N Sherry
Folklore and family secrets, based in 1940 when nights were lit by candlelight and you didn't answer the door after dark.When fairies and earthlings mixed and married and secret deals abounded. A time when falling in love could come with a secret deal and a price to pay by all. This book has been chosen for Copper Coast Geopark September 21 at 10:23 AM Drumroll, please... We are pleased to announce that the book we have chosen to review at "Tramore Yarners Do Book Club" on November 1st is...... "The Day For You, The Night For Me" by Nuala Sherry! You will have an opportunity to meet Nuala at the Copper Coast Geopark Book Fair on November 4th!
About the Book:-
The Day For You The Night For Me by N Sherry is written for a young adult age range in mind.
A kind of Romeo and Juliet story where cultures forbid two from just being together.
The novel brings to light old legends and traditions and customs stemming from the two worlds.
A very intriguing, exciting read, if a mystical enchantment is your forte, Go for it.
The generations that follow have to pay the price, which results in an entertaining plot for us the readers.
You will wait in anticipation for the continuing saga in book 2 due out later this year.
You will fall in love and sympathy with the characters a story of" Love and Hate."
A highly nostalgic little book which closely follows the story of two worlds, much like the story of Romeo and Juliet.
This is a refreshing venture into another place – a place where nothing and everything is possible.
Magic spells bring this rare pleasure of a book to life. It is a fine line between prose and poetry and is completely enchanting.
This book weaves betrayal with fantasy to bring a tale that's best read in the deepest hours of the night. Good story.