The day when God cried.

The day when God cried.

I remember when I heard the Father telling the story of His creation.

In the beginning, there was the word, the word is with God, and the word?was God.

God said, let there be light, and then there was light, and it was good. Then He said, let there be?Earth, and then there was?Earth, and it was good, He?then?said?let there be air, and then there was air, and it was good. Then?He?said, let there be water, and there was water, and it was good. Then He said, let there be fire, and there was fire, and it was good. He then said let there be life, and so there was life, and it was good. All the plants, all the animals, all the fishes in the seas, all living things became thriving on?Earth, and it was good. And His?greatest?creation was man, and it was good. So, he said man should have company, so He gave man his companion, woman, from his rib to thrive in harmony in His creation together, to birth more of His perfection, and it was good.

God said all?is made?with?love; all is perfect,?whole, complete, and it is?good.?But then a great darkness came upon His?creation,?to pollute and attempt to take control. And God said, this is not good, for it is evil, and it must live as God intended it to be. His raw creation was?being invaded. Then the war began. That’s when I felt God’s?love?and tears, for He so loves His work and His creation of man and life, and so that was the day?the wrath of God was felt?throughout the?Universe. The waves of His love pains still echo in many a Being to this day, to know the power of God.

The darker forces had attempted to take over God’s creation on?Earth, dividing it, polluting it, and killing it. God is Love, Peace, and Harmony, but He decided to clean up the?Earth?and used water to wash away the ones abusing His creation and universal powers to do evil. Many a man had been taken out of God’s home and had abused all that He gave them. So, he said to a few God-loving righteous ones, begin anew, take the things and life I tell you to take, and build His creation?once?again. And so they did, and the world started anew, but deep in the abyss of the waters, the darkness was still there.

Caesar’s world has prevailed in many?shapes and forms for many?centuries, being the leaders of death, destruction, division, and deceit to destroy His work.

And then God said, my sons, you are chosen to go and clean up the?Earth, one by one, every man and woman, to take them back to the Home of God, His garden, His?love. Like raindrops falling from the body of?love?and God’s armor have come on their mission that shall be successful, once and for all. Each?Love?Being chose his path and his work, his pains and sufferings, and all that?can be experienced?on?earth?to realign it (the mind) back to the center, to the word of God, His laws of the?universe.

The Love Beings shall die hundreds or thousands of times to remove those darkened lifelines and generations of?evilness,?so that man may live as God intended it to be. Then devil lived no more once the Love Beings had centered the fundament on the Commandments and?then?exited the?firmament,?to live as one in The Father’s creation of perfection. The house shall be clean, said God, and so it is and shall be. Man and woman shall live in?love?as one.

The battle of Spirits is still ongoing, but God said there?shall?be peace on?Earth,?and?so it is and must be. God made everything, and so God ultimately controls everything in the?Universe. Praise the Lord. Love God and Love thy neighbor.

The good ones, the Love?Beings?are guiding man, and we have come to take you home.



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