This is the day...
One of the hallmarks of success is taking efficient action each day. One of the famous coach John Woodin’s 7 point creed was to “make each day your masterpiece.” And Jim Rohn once said, “Either you run the day or the day runs you.”
At LTP we teach the framework of each day in 3 parts.
First is mindset. It is important to get your mind right each day before you set your plan to take on the day. Gratitude, prayer, meditation, physical exercise are all ways that people set themselves for the day. Find what works for you to get ahold of the day before the day gets ahold of you!
Next is preparation. Write down your most important tasks (MIT) list – up to 10 or so items. Then, next to each item write down what the action item(s) and resources (people/time/tools/etc.) are needed to get the item accomplished. Everyone has the will to win, but not everyone has the will to prepare to win. This is where the magic is at.
Finally, is the execution phase. This is a vast majority of our day and so vital to our success. The Nike slogan may say it as good as it can be said – Just Do It. Do what? Do all you can do TODAY and all you can do will be enough. Simply: All you can do is all you can do! Keep hammering.
Each day focus on your Mentality, Preparation & Execution – in that order.
Wishing you great success the coming week.