Day or Night
Anthony Brown
Founder & CVO at Past & Future Corp & Creator of the Nadab Brand & Mobile App
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Dr. King) was once considered an insurgent by the United States government (U.S.). In fact, a Head of Department for the U.S. ( J. Edgar Hoover, F.B.I. 1924-1972) believed this ideology. “Hoover saw Martin Luther King Jr. as an "enemy of the state," says author Tim Weiner.” Contrarily, Dr. King was known for statements like “Darkness cannot drive out darkness only [L]ight can drive out darkness. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Declarations like these and many more, in my opinion, dispel any notion that Dr. King was an insurgent, a terrorist, or the like. Moreover, Dr. King speeches like “Paul’s Letter to the United States,” has fully persuaded me that he was a teacher with a prophetic nature.
In today’s age, there are endless attacks by those we consider terrorists---those who exercise evil, hence those who stumble at night in darkness “because there is no light in [them]” (St. John 11:10). People constantly look across the sea, air, and/or land to point fingers at those workers of darkness. Alas! People here in the U.S.A., including me---thus making a grammatical shift to say “we”---can be blind to the evil around us or maybe even rub it off as a little white lie for the sake of the interest justice, dodging hot topics or questionable (ethical) practices for the sake of job security, or just simply turning our eyes and closing our ears piously thinking God will take care of it. Concealing injustice and oppression is a matter of our hearts that will be judged, infra. That judgment is truly a blind justice with a mighty sword without respect of persons to a degree, absent certain capacities, and offices by the will of the Creator, for there are different degrees where the judgment will be just and in accordance with Universal Law structured by God. Breaking rules and sworn oaths in tandem with lying and manipulating to promote an agenda, dividing the human race to include a black race and a white race, or using unethical tactics to catch a socially viewed criminal (i.e. subversives and deviants) impetus can be traced back to the root of all evil and shall receive a just desert.
Along the same vein, King Solomon noticed such things as well. “Moreover, I saw under the sun: In the place of judgment [e.g. courthouse] wickedness was there; and in the place of righteousness [e.g. congress/state legislature], iniquity was there” (Eccles. 3:16, c.f. V. 17). King Solomon's back to the future---futuristical---observation was declared over 5000 years ago, and I am willing to bet your dollar against my wooden nickel that the wickedness and iniquity are still both found in the same forums.
Thusly, steading on the truth that Light drives out darkness from great teachers such as Jesus, Dr. King, Gandhi, Muhammad, Buddha, Mother Teresa, and countless others today it is imperative to administer the universal commandment of love in the present. Ironically, during the construction of this article, the Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry leader of the Episcopal Church in the U.S. sermon at the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry to Ms. Meghan Markle expounded on the duty of love. Furthermore, Rev. Curry “touched on poverty, inequality and the healing power of love (Gregory Katz and David Rising The Associated Press). Wherefore, TODAY is the day for CHANGE where we do not stand by idly when our neighbors or the poor are oppressed. I believe on this side of the Great Judgment Day that we will have the poor, but we shall not be afraid to enlighten, teach, and show other’s love without conditions---deliberately choosing to walk in the day while there is light. Contrariwise, are those others who blindly walk at night in total darkness or “Others--as most legislatures, politicians, lawyers, ministers, and office-holders---serve the state chiefly with their heads; and, as they rarely make any moral [godly] distinctions, they are as likely to serve the Devil, without ‘intending’ it as God” (Henry David Thoreau). Yesterday, today, and tomorrow---Sun and moon---with or without shoes---even if hidden there is Light at Noon.
Anthony Anthony