The Day My Lip Color Failed Me
Inga (Ingafay) Faison Cavitt, MS, PE
Empowering Introverted Female Entrepreneurs to Thrive Authentically in Sales & Leads | Empathy-Driven Strategies ??| Maximize Profit, Minimize Stress
Hey, Girlfriend,
"How did I get here?”?
I'm tired and really don't feel like doing much of anything.
However, I'm a busy small business owner with tons of work to do...
so putting my work off until tomorrow is not an option.
My lip color is my pick me up...when I'm having one of those days.
Coco Chanel said..."If you are sad, add more lipstick and attack."
So I applied this and I found... the brighter the lip color the better I feel.
I finally found the perfect lip color for a time like this...
but my lips have been peeling and dry lately.
It was then that I finally realized what I needed to do.
Through my research, I stumbled...upon a cool way to rid myself of dry cracked lips.
This little “secret” enabled me to smooth away the dry peeling skin
and rejuvenate my lip appearance instantly.
Would you like to know what I found out?
Are you interested to learn how I was able...
to rock my favorite lip color to lift my spirits with an endless stack...
of work that will only increase if I continue to procrastinate?
If so, then look for my next newsletter email next week.
I’m going to show you the epiphany I had,...
but more importantly, I’m going to show you how you...
can use it to get similar results in your own life!
So, look for my next newsletter.??
Chat soon.
Happy Liptember, Ingafay
P.S. Get your FREE lip color sample >>>?click here
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Want to know your skin from the inside out? >>>?Click here