A day in Malibu- My last conference before all that!
What I understand from the Dispute Resolution Law Journal Symposium, 2020 at Malibu, CA as an International student attendee, pursuing LLM in ADR with prime focus on International Arbitration and having practiced Institutional Arbitration including but not limited to enforcement and execution of Foreign Awards in various courts in India.
In the panel discussion, the Chief Reporters of the "Restatement of the U.S. Law of International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration", gave a vertical and horizontal insight over the 1000 pager handbook that took 12 years of hard work of concrete research of black letters; the due deliberation of evolving case laws and the subservient purpose to bring at par with the internationally acceptable regime; the divergent views/opinion of the distinguished Reporters that holds a passive persuasive effect in the justice system serves a handy guide on the American Legal system vis-Ã -vis States and Federal laws, that was recently approved at the Annual Meeting of the American Law Institute, 2019.
A day of workshop is not sufficient to understand the lingering issues but definitely resonates the possible quest in even more debatable topics of gateway issues of Arbitrability, the concept of manifest disregard and the United States sui generis principle of competence- competence amongst many others, my favourite being the Vacatur of the Arbitration Award and § 16. Appeals of the Federal Arbitration Act "FAA". The Jurisprudence of almost a century old FAA, 1925 which has undergone very minor cuts since its inception saw some discussion on the obsolete laws that requires renovation, in the light of lack of uniformity at the horizontal level and the anonymity in deciphering the conflicting state issues that has held the U.S. from becoming a popular destination for International Arbitration, whilst its counter-part, the Asian market has grown unparalleled. The New York convention is still the greatest force of enforcement mechanism worldwide, the FAA is the oldest in the world and will catch up in no time!
One would say that conferences and symposiums are social gatherings/events for lawyers! It’s a multifaceted caucus to learn, vibe with your tribe at the same time.