A day in the life of Technical Manager Azaam
RedDoor Managed IT Services
Monitoring Management, Support of Business IT systems and Cyber Security
This month we catch up with Azaam Rafeek, RedDoor IT’s Technical Manager. Azaam’s commitment to executing projects at the highest possible standard and meticulous attention to technical detail shows whether he’s collaborating with co-workers or supporting customers.
Q: How does a typical workday look for you, Azaam?
Azaam: My day will usually start with a look at my emails and preparing for any meetings I have planned. I like to stay organised so taking some time at the start of my day to plan out tasks is a key part of my routine. Since I can have a range of projects to work on at once, prioritising deadlines and getting progress updates from the team are important to ensuring our customers get a reliable and high-quality experience.
Q: What are some of your responsibilities at work?
Azaam: I mainly manage the new projects that are taken on by RedDoor, I’m heavily involved in all stages of projects from planning to completion and maintenance. I have to ensure that I’ve got an oversight of all of our systems to ensure things are running smoothly and to organise or complete any maintenance they require. Another big responsibility I have is actually training our team whilst I’m working on a project, helping to build up our team’s knowledge and experience.
Q: How do you approach new projects?
Azaam: When it comes to a new project the first few things I do are reviewing the agreed goals for the project, its deadline and who else on our team will be involved. Once I have reviewed what needs to be done, I’ll create a timeline for myself to follow and get it into my calendar. It is a team effort, so I need to begin by delegating tasks to the right people and let them know the plan going forward.
Q: What’s the most rewarding part of your day?
Azaam: Honestly, every day feels different. As I work on a lot of projects I’d like to say achieving a big goal, not necessarily finishing a project as they can take a long time, but achieving a step in progress is always a motivator. I’d also have to say helping our customers, if I can solve any customer query or support them in some way, I know my work is having a positive impact.
Q: What are some hobbies you enjoy outside of work?
Azaam: I love trying new things whenever I can, my main hobbies are travelling and trying new cuisines. I really enjoy a good adventure whether I’m exploring a city or a coastline I just like seeing new places, especially if they’re accompanied with good food.
Q: Do you have any advice for someone wanting to become a Technical Manager?
Azaam: You should always try to be organised, especially if you’re wanting to manage technical projects. Creating a clear plan and allocating tasks will be a big factor in your success within the role. You should focus on your communication skills too; you can’t be afraid to ask questions and you need to work closely with your team to get the best results.
If you’d like to learn more about our team or have any IT related questions contact us.