A Day in the Life of Susan Rice
It's January 20th, 2017, and Susan Rice is sitting at a table with a computer keyboard in front of her. Around her, spread out like vultures at a buffet, are the White House legal counsel and others who have advised her to make up a document that will solve many problems at the same time.
You've already been made the sacrificial lamb by Obama and Hilary Clinton telling America and the whole world the deaths of an American Ambassador and three soldiers was the result of a small, local protest that got out of hand. You don't want a repeat of that fiasco because you're about to enter the private sector and you need a job.
So you do what they tell you to do, bantering language back and forth while trying to assemble sentences that don't sound like what they really sound like. Everyone scribbles on yellow pads, writing furiously as the deadline approaches. The deadline when Susan Rice ceases to be the National Security Advisor (spelled "dupe") and becomes just another private American citizen. The irony is, despite all the concern about time, the memorandum wasn't completed and sent until after noon on that auspicious day, making it an unofficial document by that time.
By the Book
The email states Obama, Biden, Comey, Clapper, McCabe, Strojk, Yates, and everyone else present in the White House discussing General Michael Flynn's future was following the law and doing everything "by the book". Methinks she doth protest too much! It's like an advertisement on television where the product name is spoken over and over again to imbed it in your memory somehow. So the POTUS, VP, FBI, CIA, DNI, NSA, and every other acronym in the room were working on the case. My confidence soars!
The Lowest Place in Hell
I remember the line Johnny Depp says to one of the mutineers from his ship the Black Pearl in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". He said something like, "Only the deepest, darkest, and most horrific place in Hell is reserved for traitors and mutineers!" He was right. If my understanding of the Constitution is right, attempting to overthrow the government of the United States using a conspiracy that involves top-level officials falsely charging officials with crimes would be treason. And this would be the biggest political scandal in the history of the United States.
Back to Susan
If what I say is all true and this is the biggest scandal in American history, how would you cover your butt and everyone else's at the same time? Would you, perhaps, send yourself an email exonerating everyone simultaneously? I don't know if I would, but the folks at the White House certainly were creative that day. They conjured up an idea to have Susan send herself an email and that email would be sufficient proof no one did anything wrong that the whole story would end right there. Yeah, right.
Tacit Approval
I have a little experience dealing with the law, its concepts, and its application. One thing I learned in the 30 years I dealt with criminal and civil cases on behalf of clients is the definition and application of a concept called "Tacit Approval". It's a simple concept that permeates legal thinking. The idea is that if you don't specifically say "No" to something, then you are tacitly saying "Yes". Let me repeat - by not saying "No", you're actually saying "Yes". I bring this up because if Obama didn't say "No" to investigating General Flynn for being a Russian spy, then he tacitly said "Yes". Get it?
Power and Greed
There's no denying what power and greed do to people. The more they have, the more they crave. If what has been alleged to have happened in the Oval Office is true, those who were involved in any way must be sought out and punished. Otherwise, we are rewarding the kind of behavior we so nobly detest in other cultures and governments.
High Crimes
It seems as though no crimes in government could come higher than trying to change the way the American democratic system of voting works. When taxpayer-funded resources, personnel, and processes are used in an effort against those taxpayers to subrogate their right to elect their government officials, we've turned away from democracy and turned toward something unimaginable. It makes a mockery out of voting, rendering it nothing more than a deception and farce. To me, that is a high crime in our country.
Nothing to See Here, Move Along, Move Along
The mainstream (Democratically-controlled, left-wing sycophantic, drivel driven) media would make all this out to be nothing more than a tempest in a teacup. Nobody did anything to anyone, really. Media manipulation doesn't erase the facts. I predict a failure to clean house as a result of this debacle of democracy will result in a complete failure of this 200+-year-old experiment. It changes America into a Demarchy. Look it up on Wikipedia, it isn't good. Think Russia.
What's Going On Here?
If you ask me, this is nothing short of an attempted coup. Taking out the President using any means, including illegal processes within the government, is the same as eliminating the office entirely. Why have a President at all if the office can be occupied by internally chosen candidates from amongst America's most powerful government institutions? Just call the office something like Director or Executive Manager.
Who Said Anything About Being Fair?
Abusing the power of the Federal Government for political and personal gain while destroying the lives of others and attempting to vacate the results of a national election using illegal means isn't just a mean thing to do and unfair to the people who are victims. It's treason! Any other US citizen who plotted to alter an election by using official government resources would be hung out to dry.
It's Not That Bad, Is It?
When a Philadelphia Election Judge is convicted of accepting bribes to stuff ballot boxes, there's a problem with the voting results. When the head of a government department uses the resources, personnel, and procedures of that department to try and subvert the American political process in any capacity, they should be tried and, if found guilty, hung. It's the worst kind of corruption for a democratic society with a criminal using a system to pay for the process of destroying itself for personal gain.
Raise Your Hand if You're Guilty
Susan Rice and every other person present in the room that January day in 2017 knew exactly what was at stake. That's why they were there and that's why they all knew they had to come up with some plausible way of explaining away what may be the single most destructive event in American history outside of war. Susan Rice isn't stupid. You don't go to Stanford and get a law degree if you're struggling intellectually. The same is true of every other participant that day. Everybody knew they could get caught up in Obama and Hilary Clinton's sabotaging efforts. They had to figure out a way to make it look like something other than what the meeting really was ... a witch hunt.
Which Way Now?
America is at a crossroads politically. National politics is tearing the fabric of American culture apart. The Federal government is running our lives right down to telling us whether we can go out of our homes or not. Everyone has experienced what it's like to be on home-confinement and wearing an ankle bracelet. What if the conspiracy succeeded and Hilary Clinton was President of the United States of America?
Nobody Knows
The fact is no one knows what would've happened if the Coronavirus hit while Hilary Clinton was President. One thing is for sure, she would not have legitimately earned the authority to decide about American citizen's lives and that troubles me. If I voted for a candidate and they totally screwed up the situation, I have only myself to blame. If I didn't vote for a candidate and they totally screwed up the situation, I would blame someone else and do what is needed to resolve the problem. I am, after all, an American above all else.
Blame Game
Who gets the blame when nobody elected the leader? When the leader has been put in place by hook and by crook? My guess is there won't be anyone around to accept the blame because the rats will be deserting the sinking ship whilst pointing fingers at each other. Everyone bails and people die. Not good.
Get Direction
I want to know if that's where America is headed. I will say that it is exactly the direction we are going if we don't demand and take action that is swift and decisive. The message must be clear and unmistakable. Too many good people have died to create, preserve, and protect this nation for it to be wasted on a bunch of egomaniacal, self-aggrandizing, political sycophants trying to run the country according to their own desires and opinions.
Not Here, Not Now
I am four-square opposed to brushing this whole thing under the rug to save face. I think it is time to call a spade a shovel and clean up the mess. Does that mean voting new people into Congress? Absolutely. Does that mean clearing the decks and starting with new leadership? Leadership without all the hidden agendas and manipulated procedures? It's about time, given what appears to be happening at the highest levels of American government.
What Do You Think?
I don't know what anyone else thinks about all this but there is one thing I can tell you for sure with 100% conviction. My US Air Force combat pilot father didn't fight to preserve a puppet regime controlled by a bunch of political sycophants. What about you?