"The Day I Wrote the 10 Million Dollar Check"
I wrote the check because I discovered that my life had led me to create something that would produce that much value in the world.
It was December 8, 2018. I didn't think much of the date, but I felt it was somehow aligned with the changes in our lives and world, and it was.
"Your Life Will Change Tomorrow" https://bit.ly/3Fi2kzV
I also felt it has something to do with the Wilhelm channeling session I'll hold tomorrow called "You Are Meant to Experience Abundance Now"
This document will explain why tomorrow is crucial and why it is essential for each of us to take the next step on our evolutionary journey. Mine will be to finish all the work Wilhelm has given me now that I know it holds the ability not only for you to live an extraordinary life but for our world. "The Day I Wrote the 10 Million Dollar Check" https://bit.ly/40lGpP3
Nothing in your life or our world is happening accidentally, and Wilhelm has provided us with a guide to help us move through these challenging times. You can view this document, which will help you dispel the notion that your life might not be that essential in this transformation but that it is incorrect.
I created this document to give you more understanding and belief in what you can achieve. "Wilhelm's Ascension Guide" https://bit.ly/4aXYOGl
Please join us tomorrow! "You are meant to experience abundance now" https://www.rogerburnley.com/wilhelm