The day I thought I was going to lose my eyesight forever

The day I thought I was going to lose my eyesight forever

"Adam, do you play rugby or any type of sports that causes you to bang your head?", the optometrist asked as he just got done looking into my eye with some weird light instrument.

"What?", I responded. "No I've never played rugby in my life and I don't play sports that bang my head…why do you ask that?"

"I noticed that you have some tears and holes in your retina", said the doctor.

"What does that mean? Are my eyes that bad?!", I asked.

"It looks as thought you have lattice degeneration in both of your retinas. Mostly in your right eye. You'll have to go see a specialist about this." 

"What did all of this mean?", I thought. 

I thought I was going to lose my eyesight forever soon and it was all really scary. I went up to the front of the desk and they handed me over a referral card to see an eye specialist in the area. 

A few days later, went to the ophthalmologist to get my eye balls checked out. I was so nervous for what was was about to happen next. I didn't want to have surgery on my eyes. After about a few hours in the waiting room (which seemed to take much longer than that) I got into the room and the ophthalmologist checked me out with the same weird instrument looking into my eye with a bright light and said I was good for now but I needed to keep an eye on it. 

"Thank goodness", I thought. I felt so relieved after that I didn't need surgery on my eyes.

A few months later, it was time to get my annual checkup the the optometrists office and never got a call from them to schedule an appointment.

"I wonder why they just kinda forgot about me. I guess they don't want my money", I thought. 

They basically handed me off to another eye specialist and I never heard back from them again... even though I got my annual checkup at my optometrist. 

At this time of my life I was just learning about business and noticed that my optometrist didn't have a good value ladder. They had no continuity program and they just kinda forgot about their patients.

Sad, isn't it?

For whatever reason, business owners generally aren't good at creating a value ladder and selling more products and services to those that have bought from them before. 

Basically, they either 1) are to lazy to make additional upsells that serves their customer in a better way or b) don't care about their customer or clients 

That's the way I see it anyway. 

You want to bring people into your world with some sort of "bait" offer so that they can get used to buying from you. Most businesses try to get people to buy their highest ticket product right off the gate... 

Which is a big mistake.

You must establish trust first before you lead someone to buy your high ticket stuff. One you establish trust and you can deliver on the low ticket products and services, people will trust your company more.

Like the old saying goes... A buyer is a buyer is a buyer. And it's true.

The competition isn't that hard to beat these days really. Whatever business you're in, the majority of businesses like yours aren't serving their customers in the best way... meaning they aren't selling more products and services to those customers. 

When you sell more to your existing customer base, it costs you wayyyy less to market to existing customers because they've already done business with you and they trust you more.

When you continue to market to existing customers your average lifetime value per customer increases. And when you do that you can spend more money than your competitors to acquire a customer.

If you do this successfully, you can use Facebook ads profitably.

All you really have to do is show them other relevant products and services that they would probably also like. We can actually go into Facebook and market to people that have already purchased from you.

Pretty cool, right? 

Like I said before, these people will be much more likely to buy from you because they trust you more.

When you have more trust with your market... there will be less resistance, which makes Facebook ads less expensive. 

I hope that you found this helpful and useful. If you are having troubles with your Facebook ad, please send me a message on LinkedIn. We'll setup a time to talk and see if we're a good fit.


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