The Day I Met a Great Human Being

Today, I had the rarest opportunity to learn about a great human being. A modern Yogi you could say. In what would have been an otherwise a mundane tea break, an Indian gentleman in early fifties came down to sit with me for some coffee in a crowded cafeteria. I have seen the gentleman several times in the cafeteria and that one thing which always strikes me the most when I see him every time is his body builder physique. I decided to ask him.

"I am a personal bodyguard for the big man. I have to keep myself fit at all times," he said.

He explained about his gym and diving routine (this guy is trained in professional diving and various rescue missions).

"So what keeps you going?" I enquired.

"My children. They are all in Indonesia," he replied. He then showed me pictures of his children. There are about 20 of them.

Sensing the puzzled look on my face, he mentioned ,"They are all orphans, like myself."

He continued, "I lost both my parents at a very young age. I was eventually enrolled in an orphanage in Puchong. I studied and trained to become a personal bodyguard. Later on, I settled down with my family and to a certain extent, have assisted my own children to settle down. But there is this thought which keeps lingering in my mind every time I wake up - What else can I give to the world before I take that one final step to the graveyard ?"

"When I went to Indonesia for real estate investment several years ago, I helped to foster an orphanage. Now, I am building a home for each of the orphan so that when they grew up, they will know that this 'father' has left something which they can call as their own," he said. "I am done building two houses so far. I designed them myself," he mentioned, smiling as he sipped his coffee.

"So yes, I am working in my fifties because my children need me. Unfortunately, I will be losing my job soon as my big man is relocating to America," he added. "I still want to work and I believe that as long as I can breathe, I want to contribute as much as I can to my children," he ended.

I shook his hand and told him that I would do my absolute best to help him out, which explains why I am writing this post in the first place.

I would like to request your kind assistance in letting me know if there is any opportunity for this wonderful gentleman to relish his passion as either as a personal body guard or even as a watchful driver. You can drop me a message and I will link you with him for further discussion.

Thank you for reading my post this far. The world is worth living.


M. Balasharmila Rao, MEng Petroleum, LSS Black Belt (CSSC), Design Thinking (NUS)的更多文章

