The Day I Gave Up
Christopher Boskovitch CSM, CSPO, DASM, DAVSC
Certified Scrum Master (Tech Driven) | Certified Scrum Product Owner | Certified Discipline Agile Delivery Coach | B2B & B2C Customer Experience | Sales and Selling Manager | Logistics Management | Warehouse Operations
July 12th, 2020 @ 2:10pm. That is the date and time I finally gave up.
My name is Christopher Boskovitch. I am a father, a business school college graduate and truly feel that I could be labeled as a humanitarian. I have always been a hard worker whether being faced with tough school assignments, long days at work or even hobbies. I always give 100% and have that can-do attitude. I have that 'didn't grow up well off' drive that has helped me throughout my life.
Enough about me, on the date and time stated above my general manger walked into the kitchen to find me boxing up left over food that was offered to me. These items included: old stale biscuit and 2 dried sausage links.
Mind you, I was on down time after the brunch rush, all my tables were sanitized (Covid-19) and ready to be recycled for the next round of customers and I was not eating in the kitchen. Another factor I would like at add, the night before I closed the store to help another coworker. I finally made it home at 3am but upon arrival my 2-month-old was experiencing flu like symptoms and could not sleep. Needless to say, I did not get to sleep as well. After closing and not sleeping I came in early to help with the brunch rush upon request. Not that it is any one’s fault but my own, I did not eat in the past 24 hours because of lack of priority.
Said manager walks in spots me boxing up the old food and immediately his face turns bright red. In a loud startling tone, he asks "what the hell are was doing”? He crushes the box with the food and launches in the direction of the trash can. Literally, almost hitting me in his tantrum. He follows this action with a loud announcement to everyone in the kitchen. "No one is to eat here, and I don't care of the circumstances". Given my hungry, sleepless state I walk out of the kitchen in disbelief. Why would another human being treat others like that? Why does this tyrant feel the need to boast his authority? I should not feel this way in a workplace especially when I give my all to this restaurant.
There are many other incidences like this that I would just brush off because all I could think about was my family and the other employees that look to me for comfort at this restaurant. Employees and managers should not be afraid of their BOSS. We had to have relief meetings to talk about how hard it was to work with the BOSS today. Sharing stories of what he did today to ruin moral at the store. My biggest pet peeve is lack of communication. I truly feel that among the lower level managers we had great communication during shift changes or even little notes left throughout the day. The Boss would just lay down the law even when he knew it was wrong.
With said BOSS aside, the company was great and i'm glad I had the opportunity to grow. I connected with the community. I met great coworkers and friends along the way. I learned what not to do when managing a group of driven individuals. I got to see firsthand what a tyrant could do to destroy a work culture. I will take this experience and grow from it.
Hopefully, if you read this and feel the same way about a person in organization you work for, you will reach out to HR or someone for help. There is no reason to let someone break you down emotionally and physically when you are on the same team. If the BOSS just so happens to read this, High turnover and managers quitting during a shift after being yelled at like a child should be a clear indication that there is something wrong.