Day Five of Vanishing Act
Day five was a bit more of a chilled-out day for both cast and crew as the main focus was on our Electronic Press Kit, or EPK. Saying that though, we still had two scenes to shoot today- the first was the other side of the phone call that we filmed at the phone box, for this one, it was just the hitman responding. I wanted to focus purely on chiaroscuro as my intention was to only be able to see the hitman's eyes and part of the telephone. For this, I used just one strong light source with the barn doors almost completely closed so it appeared as though the light was coming through a crack in the blinds.
After this shot, we set up for the interviews with our lovely cast. I thought a colour for each member would be a nice idea, although we are still toying with the idea of having these in black and white also to match the style of the film. I still decided to have quite harsh lighting with the coloured LED acting as a kicker, I angled the camera so that the audience is in the interviewer's position.
Callum Harris was the one in charge of these interviews and asked some brilliant questions. This was really beneficial for all of us involved as it gave us a chance to hear some feedback from our actors about topics such as the atmosphere on set and our professionalism, I think it also gave us a bit of a boost knowing that everyone on set was happy with the way things were going. In addition to this, we also took pictures of both the actors and the crew to add to some bios to give it a more personal touch.
After our day was finished we had a quick rest stop and then myself, Jack Kinch , Finlay Dodd and Kalon Torr (sound recordist and operator) went back to Grantham to film the scene we had delayed due to the SD card issue on 11/03/2024. We filmed this outside of The Savoy who kindly allowed us to put our poster up in one of their frames. This was a very smooth running shoot and we got it wrapped up much earlier than anticipated. The only difficulty that I encountered was getting the poster in a good position on camera as it didn't fill the whole frame so I had to work with different angles to get it all in shot without the negative space showing too much.
All in all, this day was a pretty fun one and it was a well-needed rest day for all of us.