The Day The Earth Stood Still

The Day The Earth Stood Still

As a result of the Coronavirus, we are now living in unprecedented times.

Whilst I am sure that many people might think this is a massive overreaction you only need to look at the infection rates graphs, which are literally off the charts, to know that if this isn't controlled in the early stages it can get out of hand very quickly.

In two weeks countries have gone 100 cases to 10,000 cases, and are at 20,000 cases one week later. This is 33% daily increase which is a scary level of growth !!!

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Quarantining has helped to slow the growth, and there is no doubt that prevention is better than cure.

And this is why travel bans, canceling events, closing schools, cafes & restaurants (or just having them as take-away only) and having people work from home have been implemented.

The impact on business has been harsh, and this is just the beginning. The stock markets have already dropped by 20% over the past few weeks, and that was before the travel bans, working from home and restrictions on how businesses operate were put in place.

If we do not get this under control quickly, we are going to turn a medical disaster into a full-blown global economic catastrophe.

This is why we need to embrace this shutdown and look to put the brakes on the rise of coronavirus.

Leaders have been slow to act and it is going to cause some businesses to go bust, people to lose their jobs, and yes some people will die from Cornavirous Covid 19.

But how many will depend on us.

How we react, whether we take this seriously, and whether we help each other.

We have to.

  • Take the quarantine measures seriously. Prevention is better than cure!
  • If your sick and don't need medical attention, then self isolate don't put an unnecessary burden on the already strained medical services.
  • Follow medical advice. Take the recommended preventative measures.
  • Don't panic buy. I understand the urge but for many people that's not an option, they just don't have the funds which will then create shortages for them, and also in general.
  • Don't stock up on masks. Medical practitioners need them more than we do. They are in the front lines, and if we can't protect them. Who will protect us if we do become sick and in need of hospital treatment?
  • Be thankful to the medical staff working tirelessly to help our loved ones and look to help get this under control.

Collectively maybe we can help solve this or at least minimize the overall global impact.

Two weeks might seem like a long time for a shutdown, but it's nothing compared to the time it takes to recover from a global recession, or the number of lives lost because we didn't act responsibly.

Stay safe, and let's get through this as quickly as possible.

René Andreas Baron

IT-driven Innovations

4 年

Data-driven decisions - especially when they come down to AI, are ALWAYS reactive and in this case too late. We in Switzerland for example would have had plenty of time to learn from China, but we had to have the virus spread in Italy first to get enough data and facts that a facts based decision could be made. The problem is not data, The problem is lack of leadership that is delegating its inability to lead/foresee things to the availability of data. THIS is the main reason - my opinion - why the virus is spreading: Because we react only when it is already there (data and facts based), rather than having the vision and guts for preventive measures, that maybe are less based on data, but common sense for risks and precaution!


