Day as Devops
As we embark in this cloud journey and hearing all buzz worlds...let me list down quick common couple of task that any Devops/CloudOps engineer do.
Incident/Availability, ensure that any website/app is up and running with agreed SLA and responding to Incident via ticketing system generally JIRA/ServiceNow
CICD, is another important task, we need to ensure that all pipelines are ok and deployment happening as expected, also fixing, creating and troubleshooting pipelines and working with QA/Dev team is important.
IaC, next to CICD, to host all they deployment we need infra, so build this infra one has to have good understanding of IaC tools like ARM/Terrafrom/powershell etc. building infra and troubleshooting and ensuring all parts working
Cost, with this deployment and infrastructure cloud cost needs to be in limit so always keeping an eye and terminating/stopping resource is good practice.
Backup, when we have infra up and ready we also needs to be prepare for DR plan, in this situation backup is important part. for azure RSV is great choice. backup policy, retentions, Vault creation, scheduling backup, restoring VM or File level backup.
Security, have minimum open surface for minimal time is good practice to avoid any security incidents.
Monitoring, Monitoring all workload and setting alerts would help to proactive and fix issue as soon as detect than customer reporting.
Automation, with any scripting language automating repeated task and doing modification as and when there is need. also using Configuration tools like Ansible, DSC, Chef and Puppet.