The Day It Clicked

The Day It Clicked

There’s a great line at the end of?Blockland: 21 Stories of Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency?by Elias Ahonen, as he talks about the common traits of people in crypto. (See my previous review of this book at?The History of Blockland).

“Though the nation of Blockland is multi-ethnic and multi-lingual, its members share common memories of the histroic and even mythical rise of cryptocurrency. They largely share common dreams for a bright blockchain future and have together endured the despair of both long crypto-winters and public ridicule. They recall the day?it clicked?and blockchain graduated from a mere point of curiosity into a passion.”

This passage is one of the reasons I loved this book so much, because it captures the essence of the movement so well.

The part I loved, however, was the “click.”

That nailed it.

Everyone in crypto (as opposed to some of those who just invest in crypto) remember the moment that it “clicked.”

When you’re talking with someone about crypto, you can quickly tell if they’ve had the “clicked” moment or not.

The good news is that, slowly but surely, more and more people have.

Gradually, then suddenly.


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