Day 95 of 1095: Giving Your Inner Critics a Break

Day 95 of 1095: Giving Your Inner Critics a Break

Today, I found myself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. If I focus on the negatives, I made every possible mistake. I was deeply troubled by what was happening, and I began to question everything—the pace of progress, the direction we were heading. My fears, doubts, and inner demons flooded my mind, paralyzing me. The ongoing war and overall situation didn't help either.

But let's flip the coin. On the positive side, I ended the day with my morning routine completed by the sea, realizing that today, my inner critics had won. Yet, if I compare myself to who I was before—building a new startup while juggling the challenges of war and life—I have every reason to be proud.

How about you? Do you recognize when your inner critics are driving you crazy? Do you measure your progress against yourself or others?

Understanding the Inner Critic

The inner critic is that nagging voice inside that questions every decision and undermines our confidence. It's especially insidious for entrepreneurs, who often face high stakes and tight deadlines. Recognizing and managing this internal dialogue is crucial for maintaining mental well-being and productivity.

The Business of Self-Comparison

In the fast-paced world of startups, it's tempting to compare your progress with others. But here's the truth—every entrepreneurial journey is unique. Comparing yourself to others can lead to unnecessary stress and hinder your progress. Instead, focus on self-comparison. Measure where you are today against where you were yesterday. Celebrate small wins and incremental progress.

Practical Steps to Quiet Your Inner Critics

  1. Mindfulness and Reflection:

  • Start your day with a routine that centers you, whether it’s meditation, exercise, or a moment by the sea.
  • Reflect on your achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

2. Set Realistic Goals:

  • Break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks.
  • Celebrate each milestone, which will boost your confidence and keep the critics at bay.

3. Stay Connected:

  • Engage with a community of like-minded individuals.
  • Sharing your experiences and hearing others can provide perspective and support.

4. Professional Help:

  • Don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance if your inner critics become overwhelming.
  • Therapists and mentors can provide strategies to manage these negative thoughts.


Balancing the chaos of building a startup amidst personal and external turmoil is no small feat. It's essential to give ourselves grace and recognize that our inner critics are just one part of the entrepreneurial experience. By focusing on self-comparison and setting realistic goals, we can manage these voices and continue to progress.

Remember, every step forward is a step towards your larger vision. Celebrate your progress, however small, and stay connected with your community. Together, we can turn those inner critics into champions of our success.

What about you? How do you manage your inner critics? Share your thoughts and let's support each other on this incredible entrepreneurial journey.

Till next time,



