Day 92- Another day is gone
Samar Asamoah
Author of 'How to be a Single Muslim Mum' ◇ Podcaster ◇ Hijama Consultant @TheHijamaNinja ◇ Artist
I had planned to do some work today but other engagements kept me from what I had planned to do. By the times I was finished I didn’t have the brain cells left to do any of those things. Overall it think its been a really productive day but yet also unproductive in the sense of plan execution.
100 burpees done.
The burpees are going good I think. I’m at the halfway point and now and getting more into doing an actual workout than just the burpees alone. So I’ve been adding some other exercises into the setts of burpees to get a bit more movement in there and today went relatively well. I really can’t complain with my progress but I know that I can always do better.
I actually was supposed to add some older children age range stuff to my online clothing on my site. That can easily be done tomorrow morning Insha Allah (God willing).
I have only eight days left after this post to be finished with my 100-day challenge? Can you believe it? I may have actually achieved something, in fact I believe that I already have and will have achieved something by the end of it in eights time Insha Allah.
First thing that I will achieve is a well deserved break from writing. Omg I really cant wait to have a day off from typing out my thoughts. I literally feel like my brain has been emptied and that’s not because I’m a complete air head or something its purely because I am not used to putting out my thoughts straight into words like that. Written that is.
I will need that break after writing for 100-days straight because I will need to read what I’ve written so far and critique my own crappy writing if I am to improve in any way shape or form. That will Insha Allah be the first step to becoming better. Learning to critique and edit. I’m really not looking forward to it and it’s something that I know I’ll have to do for my upcoming book.
I think over the next eight days I should find a specific topic of interest to talk about like my artwork or art videos or the paintings that I’ve finished recently and maybe talk about some of my art processes.
I’ve been sitting next to a pile of lino for ages now. Pieces that I’d started a few years ago now I had intended to use them at Northern Print a really cool and amazing printmakers studio but as the pieces hadn’t even finished being cut yet there was no prints to make. The lino that I have now is just sitting pretty waiting to be finished. I think if I’m good I should challenge myself to finished carving them by the end of this month. I see so many lovely lino cuts on Instagram by other artists it’s not like I don’t have enough inspiration to make prints.
Furthermore I can use the hand baren for printing which means that I can make a beautiful quality print without even going into the studio which of course is perfect for the whole social distancing thing. It’s so cosy printing on my bedroom floor.
No excuses that way I can do it straight out of my sleep.