DAY 87 OF 100 DAYS SELF-REINVENTION SERIES: Have You Laboured All Year with Nothing to Show? – Part 2
“If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches, and poor men’s cottages princes’ palaces. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions: I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching.”
―?William Shakespeare,?The Merchant of Venice
Going back to where you failed is not always as simple as ABCD, but Peter did it because of Jesus word. I have been in this place a few times. It doesn’t always come at the snapping of the finger. Sometimes it is HARD WORK. Peter cast his net in the same place where he caught zero fish, and now the whole company is breaking apart because of the excess workload that has hit the company. In the same country where no company will even read your introduction letter, now you cannot cope with work. In the same environment where you thought your CV was beginning to stink, everyone now wants to hire you. When Peter encountered this change, he fell down at the feet of the master, crying, “I have been a sinful man.” In the context of this article, to be a sinful man is to have an identity that deviates from what you truly want.
You will need to bring your identity to sync with what you truly want from life. You will need to INVENT a new personality. You will need A NEW WAY OF BEING!
All Limitations that we carry are buried in stories that have become our default WAY OF BEING! Remember that what you repeatedly say in your inward thoughts creates the deep pathway over that football field called your subconscious. Your subconscious, unfortunately, cannot think rationally. As a servant to your conscious, IT MUST CARRY OUT those secret concepts that you hold about your opportunities and limitations. It must execute all the limitations that you have put on yourself. Now, you are going to start taking a new path in the same football field. That is what I am calling A NEW WAY OF BEING. Previously, you lay on your bed, and thought about how you were born out of wedlock, how you are the product of a polygamous family, how your parents gave you up for adoption, how you had to struggle through school, how the country doesn’t care and on and on. I am certain that if you have been following this series of articles, you are experiencing a SHIFT IN YOUR BEING already. Get my book, HOWEVER YOU TELL IT, IT IS STILL A STORY THAT YOU MADE UP to help you make this shift faster.
So, what was the difference between the Peter that toiled all night and the Peter that did not even need to toil to have his company quadruple in minutes? A SHIFT IN HIS IDENTITY OR WAY OF BEING.
In every country, race, religion, people who have less than the attributes that you deify are doing THE IMPOSSIBLE. That should tell you that your excuses are not tenable. Jephthah in the Bible was the son of an harlot. He didn’t lie on his bed morning, day, and night wondering why his mother wasn’t the queen of England. He developed his personality muscles. When his father’s other children hated him because he was born by a stray bullet from an harlot to his father he moved out of the house without any complaints. Read Judges 11 and see the kind of language that the son of a harlot spoke. Without joining any party or campaigning, the people of Israel went to beg Jephthah to be their leader. Personal Development will always trump certificates not backed with a strong identity.
There is statement in the bible that the Jews made to Jesus that I will forever admire in John 8: 31 -33:
31 - So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him,?“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”?33“We are?Abraham’s?descendants,”?they answered.?“We have never been slaves?to anyone.?How?can You?say?we will be set?free?”?
Free from what? This is what I call a strong identity or self-image.
These are people who have gone into slavery in Egypt and in several other instances. But they challenged Jesus, saying what do you mean that we will BE FREE? You can't be a man and pray to be a man. Many prayers that people pray are just a waste of time. You are either a man or you are not. The late Kenneth E Hagin was fond of saying that “SAYING WILL WORK WITHOUT PRAYERS, BUT PRAYERS WON’T WORK WITHOUT SAYING.” Whether audibly or in the secret chambers of your heart, what are you saying? Both are recorded by your subconscious. You will find in my later writings that whether you were a slave or not doesn’t have anything to do with your future. What matters is what you are SAYING NOW. The Jews told Jesus that they have never been in bondage to ANYONE. To this day, that is what all that Jews believe, affirm, and SAY! What you are is not something you pray about. The billionaires of this world were FIRST BILLIONAIRES BEFORE THEY BECAME BILLIONAIRES. Aliko Dangote isn’t praying to own Dangote Refinery. He owned it before he built it.
You have first to BE before you can BECOME. To borrow from Rev Sam Adeyemi, Success is WHO YOU ARE, NOT WHAT YOU DO.
In Archbishop Idahosa’s words, A Lizard in Nigeria is still a Lizard in England. What you need is a change of identity. Leaving Nigeria for the UK won't make you a success unless you are first a success in your BEING!
We are all responsible for our current identity, which is a system of individuation or becoming an individual. From a field of infinite potential, we built an identity called ME. We built this personality when we were children, asleep psychologically, and largely influenced by the environment in which we were raised. The first place to begin any meaningful change is to take ownership of this identity. Yes, you come from a remote village in Kenya persecuted by a larger tribe, but IT WAS YET YOU WHILE YOU WERE GROWING UP THAT SAID REPEATEDLY THAT YOUR UPBRINGING IS A DISADVANTAGE. When you come of age, what you now need to do is to INTENTIONALLY DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE. That is what in my BEING SEMINARS I have called CREATING BEING.
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about CREATING YOURSELF” – George Bernard Shaw
It’s about discovering what we’re capable of and learning from our challenges in life to evolve into the person we are inspired to be. Stop looking for who you should be from your ancestry and environment. Start CREATING WHO YOU WANT TO BE!
Clinical Pharmacist Special interest Cardiology ?? Westcliffe Health Innovation / Advance Pharmacist Lipid Optimisation Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust. #thestorywetell
1 个月Very informative