DAY 85: Have No Fear.
"Are you ready?" Grandpa asks me.
"Do you have any advice for me? I mean, what if I fall?" I ask hesitantly.
"Son, this may look intimidating, scary even; the trick here is to change where you focus your thoughts on. Think of your negative thoughts as chains that hold you down. You need to be light to effectively reach your goals. The more positive thoughts you let in, the fewer chains to keep you down," Grandpa shared.
"Thank you, but what about if I fall?" I press on.
"Donavon, you may not know this, but everyone falls. Do not fear the fall. What you should fear is the moment that you stay down," Grandpa said.
"I understand," I say bravely, as I turn to walk to the field.
Getting on the left side, I raise up one foot and then the other, and almost as if I were in a movie, I was on top of a great beast; a horse. My childhood dream was now realized, and now I could bask in joy as I conquered a fear of being kicked off the horse.
No matter what you are facing, it is the courage to take one more step or simply get back up again that makes the difference between a great victor and an average person.
Be the victor. Get up. Keep moving. And ride that horse.
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