DAY 85 OF 100 DAYS SELF-REINVENTION SERIES: The Kingdom of Heaven God is within you.
“I remember saying to myself one of those days that I was going to school hungry, that I refuse to be poor, I must break that gene of poverty” – Nigerian Senator Binta Masi Garba
There is a story in chapter two of Dr. Joseph Murphy’s book – The Power of the Subconscious Mind, about a man who lost his right arm. The man’s daughter had a form of incurable disease, and the man repeatedly affirmed that he was willing to give up his right arm for the healing of his daughter. The man affirmed this as a commitment to the healing of his daughter for a span of about two years. One day, the family was out driving in England when their car had a collision with another car. This man’s right arm was torn off at the shoulder, and immediately, the daughter’s incurable disease vanished. This man was operating the principles of the kingdom of God, but he ignorantly operated it against himself. It was his choice to swap the sickness in his daughter with his right arm torn off.? He could have rather framed his wish for the total healing of his daughter without asking for the switch. “Our power of choice is something that God will not tamper with” – Bishop TD Jakes
In Luke chapter 17, there was this story of Jesus cleansing ten lepers; possibly amazed at how this new magic or miracle had come to earth, the Pharisees asked Jesus, when do you think the kingdom of God will come? It was generally believed, and it is to this day, that a day will come when the Kingdom of God will come, and the miracles that Jesus did will be a common occurrence everywhere. Surprisingly, Jesus' answer was that the Kingdom was already within them.
My purpose in this piece is to further reinforce this – The Kingdom of God is within us already. We are using the principles of the kingdom of God every day. Whether we are conscious of this or not, we are operating the kingdom. A kingdom, according to the online dictionary is a government having a king or queen as its head. Many of us, like the Pharisees of Jesus' time, are still awaiting a kingdom of God where God will just come and wipe out all that we have been complaining about, all the things that we hate, all the poverty and wars around us. All the sicknesses and diseases. But alas, that kingdom is already working inside us. When I wrote about how Professor Moyo invited the Nigerian police to kill him or how my subconscious asked the UK embassy to reject my visa application, we were both operating the Kingdom of God. Unfortunately, we were operating it against ourselves, and greater still, we were not even aware that we were operating any kingdom.
I watched a video recording of Senator Binta Masi Garba, the daughter of a driver attached to former Nigerian president, Ibrahim Babangida. She shared her experience of being on the same platform with the daughter of Ibrahim Babangida. When asked how she made this possible, she recalled her resolve to go to school without sufficient food and provisions but declared continually that she refused to be poor and that poverty was banished from her life.? In these declarations, what was Senator Binta doing? She was operating the kingdom of God inside her.
The operation of the Kingdom is domiciled in our subconscious. This kingdom is designed to provide for our every need. It is divinely set up by God to protect us from disease, heal our bodies, and direct our steps. But unfortunately, not knowing anything about the kingdom and how it works, we have used it against ourselves. The conscious mind is supposed to plant the seeds of our desires into the unconscious, and the unconscious (as a spiritual soil or the womb of a woman) would grow the seeds planted and propagate them all over our affairs. When a farmer plants a seed into the ground, the bible says he goes away, not knowing how that seed will germinate to become a tree. This is the same thing with the subconscious mind. But ignorant of the operation of the kingdom, we have planted Bahama grass where we wanted Beans, and when Bahama grass grew in our lives, we wondered why we got it. Read what God commanded Joshua to do to be successful:
Joshua 1: 8 (KJV)
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
If Joshua did this, he didn’t need to pray anymore. He didn’t need to wait for any future kingdom. He would just naturally reap the reward of what he planted in his subconscious. In Deuteronomy 6 vs. 6 -9, Moses emphasizes to the Israelites what they must do to have the life that they want.
6?These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.?7?Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.?8?Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.?9?Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
The word heart used here can also be interchanged for the subconscious. Your heart is your subconscious. The importance of ensuring that you take control of all the gates of the conscious to the unconscious was clearly spelled out. Whether through your eyes or speaking or hearing, just see that your conscious mind is sending only what you desire to your unconscious.
“Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless” - James 1:26
Imagine a footpath formed on a grass field. The formation of that footpath came into being after repeatedly taking that path. When you repeatedly expect, anticipate, and accept anything as true, whether through visuals, speaking, or beliefs, a footpath is then formed in your subconscious. Your subconscious, being the servant of your conscious mind, is under compulsion to carry out that instruction. It must find every avenue to see that your wishes are carried out.