Day 8 – “The more people you hate, the less progress you make” (1,000 days content creation challenge)
Ethan Musolini
CEO Success Africa, Executive Coach, HR Consultant, Author & Motivational Speaker
This morning, I was talking to an old friend who is a very successful businessman and out of the
blue, he stated “Ethan, by the way, hating people slows down one’s progress” he opened his briefing
Then he continued “For example, let’s say every person you hate weighs 60kgs on your heart. Assuming you hate 10 people, that makes your heart to carry an extra burden of 600kgs. This will weigh you down”
“Here is the problem, you might be travelling from Kampala city to Kansanga, you meet someone you hate which will force you to go back to town without accomplishing your mission. Then, you may fall sick and go to hospital only to be welcomed by a doctor that you hate too. This makes your life difficult”
“When you look at people who are successful and happy, you will realize that typically their hearts and spirits are free. When you are free of hate in your mind, heart and spirit, you fly in terms of progress. Hating many people leads to little progress”
“Some people see certain rich people and state that they are bad people. But it’s just that they don’t know what’s in their hearts. Typically, such people have clear hearts that are free from burdensome hate. For me, I do not hate anyone in this world. I value my happiness and progress more” he concluded
What I picked from the above conversation is this – free you mind from hate and you will fly faster towards your dreams.
Let me know your takeaway from this conversation and you are welcome to share this with someone because they might find this helpful. God bless you forever!