Day 8: Feed Your Financial Brain
I’m proud of this series I’ve got going here, but it’s far from a comprehensive guide to all things personal finance. I write on this subject every day and I’m still learning things. Over the last 5 years of running this blog, one thing has remained constant: there is always something new to learn and discover – some unique financial situation which I’ve yet to consider. That’s how it is. You can’t just memorize a few rules of thumb and move on with your life (well, I guess you could, but I wouldn’t expect much financial success or security).
?Proper money management is a language you never stop learning. That’s why it’s important to regularly consume information to help you in your journey.?
?Pick up a good book (hard, soft, kindle, or audio) about personal finance, subscribe to a related podcast or blog, sign up for a money management course, or start listening to Dave Ramsey or Clark Howard each day.
?Feed your brain real financial knowledge on a routine basis, not just the puff pieces you get from the big news outlets. You don’t have to go all-out, but you should be consistently investing in a little financial education and growing.
?Commit today to learn something new each week of 2024.?