DAY 79 OF 100 DAYS SELF-REINVENTION SERIES-The Event Happened, but the story you are living in never happened.
Life is either an?ADVENTURE OR NOTHING?— Helen Keller.
For a long time, I never knew the difference between an event that happened to me and the story I made about the event. Sometime in 2022, I was awakened to this harsh reality. There is a vast difference between what happened to us and the story that we are living in.
Let’s say that my dad told me that I had a poor grade in mathematics some twenty years ago, but the story that I was?NEVER GOOD?in mathematics that I have carried for over twenty years never happened. I had eight miscarriages in a span of over seven years after I got married, but the story that I have told people over the last ten years has been that I can never carry a pregnancy to full term is my invention.
It’s true that in a burst of anger, my mum told me that?I WILL NEVER MAKE IT. That happened. The story that I have made all these twenty years about my mum?NOT LOVING ME?never happened. I have retold the story a thousand times about how my mum never loved me and how she prefers my sister to me. But all of these stories about my mum never loving me was my creation. It never happened.
It is true that Mark lost his dearly beloved wife some five years ago. But it is not true that the loss has prevented Mark from getting remarried. That Mark’s love for his late wife has prevented him from getting married is a story that Mark invented. It has nothing to do with the wife dying five years ago.
It is true that it took me two hours to drive from Ikoyi to Victoria Island today. It is not true that the Government doesn’t care about the pains that commuters face when they travel within Lagos. That is the story I made from the event.
None of the mental pains we go through have come from the events we ascribe them to. The human tendency to construct narratives from life’s events is one of humanity’s greatest undoing. People are living in stories that they invented and are completely oblivious of the fact that they are the architect of these stories. They tell these stories so often that these stories have become so interwoven with their personalities and subconscious. We all need to untangle from the stories that are holding us back in our life pursuits. Once we can untangle ourselves from these stories, life takes?A WHOLE NEW DIMENSION. Events do happen, but events can never construct a story. It takes a human being to?INVENT A STORY?from the events that happened in his or her life. And the good news is, you can decide how to construct any story. The power to shape ANY NARRATIVE IS THE SOLE PREROGATIVE THAT GOD?HAS GIVEN TO HUMANS. It is what makes us human and not animals. An event is a memory; a memory is?NOT A STORY TO BE LIVED INTO.
It is true that I have been engaged to five people, and none of these relationships ended in marriage. It is?NOT TRUE?that?MY RELATIONSHIPS NEVER END UP IN MARRIAGE. I must wake up every day and conceive new dates, new relationships and live an adventurous life. It is true that I have been fired from four companies in a span of one year. It is?NOT TRUE THAT I CAN NEVER HOLD A JOB. That is a story I constructed out of events that are past.
No event has?LIFE?in it. Only humans can give meaning or life to an event. That is a power that God endued us with. In my book?Realizing Mental Resilience, I took a great deal of time to show readers that all humans are?MEANING MAKING MACHINES. That is all we do. The sad thing about this divinely ordained privilege is that we are unaware that this is what we do.
No event can hold any human being captive. The only thing that keeps us in prison is the stories that we tell about the events that happened in our lives. Don’t get me wrong; the events happened, and they were traumatic when they happened; the rape, the loss of a child, wife, husband, brother, parents, jobs, money etc. That is all. They are now memories. Stop?BUILDING MOUNTAINS AROUND MOLEHILLS. Go live your life. The business failed. You invented the story that you are a failure in XYZ line of business. Go back and create a bigger and better possibility. Stop projecting your past into your future. There is?NO CORRELATION?between your past and your future. Your past is your past, and your future is your future. They have no relationship aside the fact that they both exist inside of you.
I remember reading the book of Philippians in the Bible. Paul had been imprisoned for proclaiming one Jesus. The event is that he is in PRISON. But read the story that Paul made out of this event in verses 12 -14:
12 Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters,[b] that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. 13 As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard[c] and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. 14 And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.
Can you dare to borrow Paul’s language? I am convinced that my multiple divorces have opened the possibility for me to be ………………………. fill in the blank space and construct a new reality for you to?LIVE INTO. Your stories?WILL EITHER MAKE A WAY FOR YOU, OR CLOSE THE WAY TO WHERE YOU WANT TO GO. The absolute responsibility is yours. I don’t mean 99% of the responsibility, I mean 100% of the responsibility is all yours. And here is the sweet truth —?YOU CAN ALWAYS CREATE ANY STORY FROM ANY EVENT — EVEN AN ALTOGETHER NEW POSSIBILITY UNRELATED TO THE EVENT.
There are only two this in this life —?NOTHING AND SEMANTICS?— Werner Erhard
Your?WORDS (OR STORIES)?will either make you a millionaire or a pauper — Kenneth E Hagin.
What is the story that you are now going to tell about the events in your childhood, past marriages, job losses, and ill health? The?POWER TO ALTER YOUR LIFE OUTCOMES IS ALL IN YOUR HANDS