Day 6 – small excuses stop us from realizing big dreams (1,000 days content creation challenge)

Day 6 – small excuses stop us from realizing big dreams (1,000 days content creation challenge)

One day I was running a public workshop and it was raining a bit. In the end, we started the training late because of that.

This reminded me how sometimes small things stand in the way of bigger dreams and things which we aspire to have in our personal, career and business lives.

The question that you and I need to ask ourselves is; “What could I be using as an excuse that is stopping me from realizing my big dreams?”

Once you realize what those ‘little’ excuses are, kill them off such that you match to your dreamland quicker.

Looking back, for almost every goal I did not realize, it’s almost always a case of me having one form of an excuse or another. This has also been the case of my coaching clients.

So, which little excuse will you kill today?


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