?? Day 6 of my React Learning Journey! ??
Today was a deep dive into Tailwind CSS and Redux, two powerful tools that significantly enhance the development process. Here's a breakdown of what I learned and achieved:
Tailwind CSS:
1. Introduction to Tailwind: Explored the utility-first CSS framework that makes styling seamless.
2. Tailwind CLI: Set up and configured the Tailwind CLI for streamlined development.
3. Typography & Styling: Applied Tailwind’s typography utilities to improve text styling.
4. Colours & Spacing: Utilized Tailwind's extensive color and spacing options for better design control.
5. Breakpoints in Tailwind: Learned to create responsive designs using Tailwind’s breakpoint utilities.
6. Apply Directive: Implemented the @apply directive to reuse common utility patterns.
7. Design a Card: Put it all together by designing a fully responsive and styled card component.
1. What is Redux?: Gained an understanding of Redux, a state management library for JavaScript applications.
2. Understanding Terms: Familiarized myself with key Redux concepts like actions, reducers, and the store.
3. Setup Project: Initialized and set up a new project with Redux.
4. Configuring Store: Configured the Redux store to manage application state.
5. Deciding Actions: Determined the actions needed for the application.
6. Creating Reducers: Built reducers to handle state changes based on actions.
7. Todo Component: Developed a todo component using Provider and useSelector to interact with the Redux store.
8. Add Todo (Dispatching Actions): Implemented functionality to add new todos by dispatching actions.
9. Delete Todo: Added the capability to delete todos by dispatching the appropriate actions.
Today's learnings were crucial in enhancing my ability to build well-structured, responsive, and state-managed applications. Excited to keep pushing forward and applying these skills to real-world projects!
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