Day 57 - 2 Lessons I Learned From My Weird Dream Last Night (1,000 days content creation challenge)
Ethan Musolini
CEO Success Africa, Executive Coach, HR Consultant, Author & Motivational Speaker
Last night I had a weird dream. This is what I mean…
I was at an event slated to speak. I was called on stage only for me to tell the MC to be engaging the crowd to allow me go up stairs to dress better since I was in a T-shirt.
I duly went up, and dressed in a much better way with a jacket on top.
I looked smarter.
By the time, I went downstairs, 80% of the crowd had left
Someone looked at me and said something along the lines of…
"See, if you had spoken in your T-shirt, by now you would almost be concluding before a full room and it wouldn't have mattered much with your dressing. But see, most people are gone"
I was shocked and felt horrible after looking at an almost empty room which was previously packed.
I even threw my microphone down in frustration and it literally got shattered.
Then, the dream ended and I woke up
As I lay in bed, I asked myself…
"What are the lessons in this dream"
Two lessons…
It was a weird dream because I have never behaved in such a manner. It's not in my future plans to do so either.
I believe that my next question(s) ought to be…
"Dear God, what's the actual message in the dream I had? What were you really saying to me?"
For now, as I write this morning, this is what I wanted to share with you.