Day 57 - 2 Lessons I Learned From My Weird Dream Last Night (1,000 days content creation challenge)
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Day 57 - 2 Lessons I Learned From My Weird Dream Last Night (1,000 days content creation challenge)

Last night I had a weird dream. This is what I mean…

I was at an event slated to speak. I was called on stage only for me to tell the MC to be engaging the crowd to allow me go up stairs to dress better since I was in a T-shirt.

I duly went up, and dressed in a much better way with a jacket on top.

I looked smarter.


By the time, I went downstairs, 80% of the crowd had left

Someone looked at me and said something along the lines of…

"See, if you had spoken in your T-shirt, by now you would almost be concluding before a full room and it wouldn't have mattered much with your dressing. But see, most people are gone"

I was shocked and felt horrible after looking at an almost empty room which was previously packed.

I even threw my microphone down in frustration and it literally got shattered.

Then, the dream ended and I woke up

As I lay in bed, I asked myself…

"What are the lessons in this dream"

Two lessons…

  1. It's not how you look and feel but how you make other people look and feel that matters the most. If I had focused on speaking and adding value to the people who had come, it would have made them look valued and also felt great in the end.
  2. Plan and prepare ahead of time in order to be ahead of the times and people. Ideally, I should have dressed the part earlier rather than later. Preparation is the key

It was a weird dream because I have never behaved in such a manner. It's not in my future plans to do so either.

I believe that my next question(s) ought to be…

"Dear God, what's the actual message in the dream I had? What were you really saying to me?"

For now, as I write this morning, this is what I wanted to share with you.


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