DAY 53: This is Critical.

DAY 53: This is Critical.

"Why can't I," I ask my mom.

"Sweetheart, your father means well, and I want you next to me,"(not mentioning that I was playing an unsafe game of chicken) Mom sweetly told me.

"This is unfair," I said pouting.

"It is not about being fair or not being fair; it is about you being safe," Mom chided gently.

"I am safe and big enough," I say with enthusiasm.

"You are precious, and I want you to stay that way, all in one piece as heavy machinery is no joke," Mom sweetly reminds me.

"Mom, it is a self-propelled, walk-behind mower, I'm not going to die," I say with a grin.

"I know, and when you are older, you will have plenty of opportunities to mow, and right now, it is good just to watch dad mow," She said with a tone of finality.

Being younger than a teenager and thinking I knew everything, I could not see anything wrong with mowing as my mother could.

And now, mom thinks it is so funny that I wanted to mow the yard so bad; because now I understand that it isn't as glamorous as my dad made it look. Yes, I have found that the grass is not always greener on the other side but rather where you water it.

Sometimes in life, you will wish to be able to do something like driving a car and be told 'no, you are too young for this responsibility.' When you do get to that point of having your driver's license, you realize it isn't so much fun paying for gas.

It is critical to understand that just because something looks cool or glamorous doesn't mean there aren't responsibilities and risks.

As in spider-man, 'With great power comes great responsibility.'

#365daysofgratitudechallenges #limitlessnation #thelimitlesslife #henrygold #huntyourfuture #donavonhunteman #hunteman

Young Donavon


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