Financial & insurance Representative. Author,Speaker,Leader,Corporate Life Strategies,Health & Wellness Coach/Pod-caster
"Gratitude is wealth. The complaint is poverty. "
If you lack money in your life, you need to understand that being worried, feeling envy, disappointment, discouragement, uncertainty or fear about money will never give you more money, because those feelings come from the lack of gratitude you feel towards God for all the financial blessings he has given you.
Complaining about the lack of money, arguing about money, feeling frustrated about money, criticizing what it costs something, or making another person feel bad about money are not acts of gratitude.
No matter what your current situation is, the simple fact of thinking you do not have enough money is being ungrateful for the money you have. You have to eliminate from your mind your current economic situation and be grateful for the money you have, because you have always been able to solve your economic situations. You have never lacked what is necessary.
When we are really grateful, many good things come into our lives !!
Sit and spend a few minutes remembering your childhood, before you had some money or a lot. Every time you remember a moment when someone paid you something, say and feel the magic word, thank you, wholeheartedly for each of the times. Did you always have something to eat? Did you have a house to live in? Did you receive education for many years? How did you go to school every day? Did you have textbooks, did you eat at school, and did you have everything you needed for school? When you were little you went on vacation? What were the birthday gifts that you liked the most when you were little?
Did you have a bicycle, toys or a pet? Did you have clothes even though you grew up so fast that you changed right away? Did you go to the movies, practice sports, learn to play an instrument or have a hobby? Did they take you to the doctor and take medication when you were not well? Did you go to the dentist? Did you have basic things that you used every day, like a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and shampoo? Were you driving? Did you watch TV, call on the phone, have electricity, electricity and water? All these things cost money, and you received them all ... Free!
“Happiness cannot be traveled to owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”
While traveling through the memories of your childhood and your youth, you will realize how many things you have received that amount to hard earned money. Give thanks for every case and remember, because when you feel a sincere gratitude for the money you have received in the past, Bless your parents or the people who were with you in childhood and adolescence, because they were aware that you were not lacking nothing to live
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
Thank God for being, this and will always be with you, protecting you, prospering and taking you every day from victory to victory.
Thanks to life for each new opportunity it gives us to make our dreams come true.
Thank yourself for all the strength and persistence you have had to continue fighting despite the adversities that have been presented to you along the way.
“Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency, and you will attract much better things.” – Rhonda Byrne
To continue with the exercise of being grateful with Money, take a 1 dollar bill, and write THANK GOD FOR THE ECONOMIC PROVIDENCE THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME THROUGHOUT LIFE.
Read the words you have written and feel true gratitude for the abundance of money you have enjoyed throughout your life.
Raise a prayer of thanks to God for being very blessed.
Write in a visible place: (I am writing everything in the mirror of my bathroom)
After today, put your Ticket in a place where you continue to see it every day. The dollar is just a symbol to remember how grateful we are for the abundance of money that God and our efforts have given us.
By feeling gratitude for the money we have received, with which we have been a blessing to many around us, there are great changes in our finances.
We learn to value more our effort made to obtain the money.
We learn to give real value to our money.
We become aware of saving, of protecting ourselves from unforeseen events.
We think of every decision that motivates us to spend our money unnecessarily.
And most importantly we learn that money did not come by magic to our life!
And we can say:
The fruit of my work and effort has been provided by God.
Without God, I am nothing!
With God I have everything!
Before going to bed, thank God, for the best thing that has happened to you during the day.
THANK YOU for sharing this 5 day of challenge with me!
I love you and I bless you with all Blessing.
My deepest gratitude for supporting me all through the ups and downs!
May your day be filled with sunshine as you go forward in the direction of your dreams.
Financial Services is my profession, teaching with patience and love is my nature, helping and protecting is my passion!
Kind Regards Martha Macias (813)516-7807