Day 46 - Better Questions To A Better Life Formula You Can Use Today (1,000 days content creation challenge)

Day 46 - Better Questions To A Better Life Formula You Can Use Today (1,000 days content creation challenge)

If you ask a wrong question, you will get a wrong answer

If you ask a negative question, you will get a negative answer

If you ask the right question(s) you will end up on the right track

Big questions lead to big answers. Great questions lead to great answers. Great answers lead to a great life

It all starts with asking questions in the right way to get the right answers. Therefore, better questions lead to a better life

When you ask a question is should be to either get an answer or to move your life forward

Typical questions which will lead you to a bad place

What's wrong?

Why am I always the one suffering?

Questions which will lead you to a better place

What's right here?

What are the possible solutions?


  1. What's your intention or goal for asking a question
  2. What's the most appropriate type of question(s) that will get you closer to your goal
  3. Craft the question(s)


Intention - Find ways on how I can get promoted at the work place

Appropriate questions?

a) Creative question(s)

b) Action question (s)

Craft the question(s)

a) Creative question(s) - what do I need to do or become in order to be promoted at my workplace?

b) Action question (s) - what are the specific and measurable activities do I need to engage myself into to boost my chances for a promotion?

As you can see, this is much better than being in a complaining and whining mode because when you follow the above process, your chances for solutions and opportunities are very high.

So, what kind of questions will you ask to move your life and career forward?

By the way, effective public speaking brightens chances for career success. In case you know someone interested in mastering the art of public speaking, kindly encourage them to visit the link below...

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