Day 43, Losing our Family, Karma, Living and Giving, Hope and Encouragement

Day 43, Losing our Family, Karma, Living and Giving, Hope and Encouragement

"Happiness is always there. You just have to choose to see it. There's no point dwelling in the dark and ignoring the light of the stars."

— Carrie Hope Fletcher  

Good morning, the start of another week. I think we are on day 43 of our isolation. I have not been keeping track, but that feels about right.  Today marks the last full week of our full house; the kid's parents are coming out to pick them up. Nick will begin working with trainers, and Baily will pack her car and return with Carly in three weeks.

It will be a little weird to just be with my Queen after all this time. Our timing of the extended family was perfect; we will now try and coordinate our return to normalcy with the departure of our family. I'm looking forward to some us time but honestly will miss these kind, well-behaved humans.  

The sunrise is majestic; it always is, I lay in bed, awake watching, waiting for the sun to peek her head over the horizon. When she rises, I join her, snap a photo, and then make my coffee. I have a routine, as does she. The day she does not rise, I'll have a new habit.

We all went down the hill yesterday. We did a 3-mile hike; we went to the tractor supply store to get some birdseed for our feeders. My Queen is starting to enjoy watching our multiple species of birds, identifying, photographing, according to my daughter, birding is an indication of age. I was sharing about all our wildlife, and she said: "Dad, that's an old person's thing?" I said, "what!" She said, "Mom does it too, if we are on a walk, she will stop and point to a bird or animal in pure amazement."

I'll turn 51 next month, I guess I am getting older, it's ok, I've enjoyed my 50's more than any other decade, and I'm only one year in. Yes, I had a little fall (seven month anniversary yesterday), and yes, we are currently in a pandemic, but I can't remember a time when I've been more at peace and in love. My Queen makes it easy to love life, and our mountain house is like living in heaven.

I don't think we will have a Red Rocks season this year. We've already bought many tickets; I'm not sure if we will get a refund, most shows are being rescheduled, this is one of the sadder parts of our current situation. Well, that and the loss of thousands of lives, of millions of jobs, companies, and maybe our economy. But we are all in the same position, some of us have longer runways, but ultimately we will all be forced to learn a new way of life for a year or two, then slowly agree to return to the hamster wheel.

You've been put on notice; you have a year, maybe two to realign yourself and your life; this is a gift, unwrap it slowly and enjoy the experience. If you start a new hobby today, you might be a master in a year or two. Pick up a guitar, buy an easel, make things from metal or rock, it's time to find your artistic side, and explore your talents.

I'm thinking of starting a book, in addition to making my morning soup, crafting a tale, I'm guessing horror, maybe a love story, I've got some ideas, another thing to keep my mind busy. We will be working out today; I'm joining the work out people three times a week, easing in, and then doing our daily 2-mile hike. I do think we will come out better than when we started this journey.

There is a Steller Jay outside feeding on our newly filled feeders. Steller Jay's are like our Indiana bluebirds, but with a blackhead.  I think they are bullies; they seem to pick on the others. We have many different species of a finch; my Queen can tell you what they are, I'm a bigger bird guy, another favorite is the Magpie.

Our state of Colorado is open today, we are to practice social distancing, many of the bars and restaurants will be carry out only, but we are one of the first states to "reopen."  The data is on our side, even with the urban center of Denver, our numbers are reasonable compared to other areas. I like the safety of our mountain house; it's easy to stay isolated while enjoying the gifts of nature.

Is today the start of a return to normalcy? Will we reengage one another only to find we are infecting and possibly killing our neighbors. Depending on your news source, we are all going to die, or this approach has been wildly overblown.  We are following the rules, listening to those with data, and will probably staff put this week, but next week I can see us be a little bolder, heading back down the mountain, slowly returning to normal.

I think the question we have to ask ourselves is are we merely living or living and giving. We are choosing to live and give, and I invite you to do the same. If you have something you can share, do it, Karma will reward you. Karma has touched us, and I promise will affect you, but first give what you can. My Queen and I purchased 50 homemade masks from our team mater Peggy, if you need a face cover, send me a message and we will mail one. It's the newest fashion trend you don't want to miss.  Enjoy what you can, there are many blessings to be explored; I'll see you tomorrow with another batch of hopeful, encouraging soup.

"Happiness is always there. You just have to choose to see it. There's no point dwelling in the dark and ignoring the light of the stars."

— Carrie Hope Fletcher  


