Days 1-4 / 24: Forgetfulness is common when you start something new. #TinasObservations
Christina Nathanson, MBA.
I’ve been known to turn ?? to ?? . Fueled by Orangetheory and ??!
No matter how many reminders - verbal or non-verbal (I may need to use post-it's more), you still forget to do X or Y. In my half-awakened state yesterday, I was telling my husband to remember his Advocare Spark, healthy snacks, and then his vitamins -- something he never did in the morning.
He heard me, but did he remember?
No, he didn't remember. Is that a problem? For some, yes it is. But in this case, it is not.
I broke his routine.
New things cause chaos at first, but tomorrow it will be fine. After a few days it will become routine. #24daychallenge #newroutines #tinasobservations #24daystowellness
Day 3/24 - Nudges work.
A passenger on my commuter train had his HUGE bag completely blocking the aisle. Passengers stepped over and around it to find a seat. Sometimes in life we have obstacles that we need to overcome and we keep stepping over or around them, but leave the obstacle idle.
The conductor came over and warned him of the hazard and he moved it.
Lesson: sometimes a little nudge is needed to help you right your path.
Today is Day 1 for my husband Mitch. I hope my nudge works. ?#?24daystowellness? ?#?success? #advocare #24dayschallenge
Day 2/24: Be comfortable with the uncomfortable.
I took a 6am Power Yoga class this morning (the first early one in a while). I forgot how I hard it was to get out of bed and get on with my inner yogi.
While in a challenging and uncomfortable pose, I gazed at the wall and saw the sun was up and the shadow of the person to my left.
She was more fit than me, and yet she was also wobbling. She put me at ease.
Then I pressed my right foot out straighter and rooted down on my left foot. It hurt, but I did it. I felt strong, but I knew I wasn't perfect. I was uncomfortable, yet comfortable.
Day 1/24. Preparation is key. The veggies will go in tomorrow, but I rubbed these chicken tenderloins with love, not oil. Three meals for the family! Two challengers. ?#?24DayChallenge? ?#?ilovelife? ?#?roadtohappiness? ?#?herestosummer?
These posts are Tina's Observations of her 24 Day Journey to wellness. Through clean eating, and the Advocare 24 Day Challenge, Tina lost over 30 pounds in the past year, ran three half-marathons from October 2015-March 2016 (Rock & Roll Brooklyn - 10/9/15, Rock & Roll Washington D.C. - 3/12/16, and United Airlines NYC Half - 3/20/16), and has significantly improved in her all her health metrics and day-to-day life. She's also a wellness coach for Advocare and consults with those who are interested. In her spare time, Tina runs around the world with her family, volunteers for the Boy Scouts of America, practices yoga, and isn't embarrassed to say she still loves Duran Duran !
In her real life, Tina is a Curious. Passionate. Strategic. Insights Executive at AIG and a Curator of Connections and Conversations. Her philosophy is to lead through example through the illustration of insights from her observations, from the, sharing this on social media as #TinasObservations.
Please read some of her other #TinasObservations entertaining posts – “I Met a Beautiful Stranger”, "Don't Forget to Flush the Toilet", "Don't Forget to Look Next to You", "Really? Not another #selfie!", "What's My Next Adventure? You decide...", "If My Jewelry Count Talk", "Don't Leave Business on the Table", "Listen to my 11 year old (now 14) Son", and "All You Gotta Do is Smile."