Day 42 ~ Reflecting by the River

Day 42 ~ Reflecting by the River

Jonah 3:1 ~ Then the word of The LORD came to Jonah a second time

Can you remember excitably starting a project, only to put it down for some reason. Just maybe it was a comment from someone, overcommitted schedule, or possibly procrastination. Whatever it was interfered with something you found of importance to start. Something you valued. But for many reasons. It just slipped away. Our focus was redirected into a different direction. It became harder and harder to get restarted. Get refocused. Harder to regain that surging moment of momentum. As I quietly reflect by the river. I am gently reminded. ?Have we all not lived there. Pushing life aside. In many ways are life is living just like Jonahs.?

Never forget when you boldly stepped up, courageously restarted, fearlessly found new focus and successfully completed what was slowly fading away. Quietly remembering. Where that motivation came from to get re-involved once again. Was it a family member, a friend, a neighbor, possibly a stranger. Somewhere within our heart was a new desire, within our mind was new hope, within in our soul was new motivation. Somewhere within our very inner-core of thriving life; Our life came to realize importance of a dream, reaching for a vision, initiating a purpose. Like Jonah: Has not everyone, walked away. ?Like Jonah: Our life must return with vengeance to step-up, get restarted, find new focus, and live fulfilling a commitment.?

Something to ponder. Who has our life pushed aside, walked away from, put into the background of our life. The reason might be many things. Like Jonah, somewhere our life needs to reconnect within living hope. ?The Lord Our God is actively seeking our life of second chances. Remember. ?The LORD blesses within obedience. Our life might not be tossed into the roaring seas, into a belly of a whale; to get our attention. But our life is living tossed among a world of ungodliness reminding our life to never journey that path of disobedience again. A world needing the loving sacrificial forgiveness within Christ Jesus, within our heart. A world needing the protective guidance within the mightiness of dwelling Holy Spirit, within our mind. A world needing living hope within Abba Father, living within our soul. A world selfishly wasting away. A world drifting away from everlasting life in heaven. ?Remember. The Lord Our God is desiring our loving heart, our forgiving mind, our living soul. Our very inner-core of thriving life to live boldly, courageously, fearlessly within living hope.?

Our life: We might not be Jonah. But like Jonah, there is a mission field in need of the life-changing gospel within Christ Jesus. A field of broken trust, hurting hearts, disorientated minds, overwhelmed souls. Like Jonah's responsibility to step-up, get-restarted, and finding new focus. Our life has a responsibility not to run away, but boldly, courageously, fearlessly engage what has been entrusted to be engaged within The Lord Our God. ?A world needing a second chance dying of procrastination within ungodliness.?

Our discipleship: We have The LORD of second chances. Never forget The LORD intimately cleansed, redeemed, restored our life of ungodliness. The LORD is calling our name like Jonah. The LORD calling our life to engage a world of ungodliness. This is not complicated.?

Our discipleship lives within agape loving, sacrificially forgiving, living hope. Our discipleship: It lives boldly cleansed, courageously redeemed, fearlessly restored for a time like this. Just live discipleshipping our second chance like Jonah. Reaching out into a world of ungodliness. This is not complicated. Live our discipleship within life-changing living hope. Discipleshipping cleansed, redeemed, restored within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit ~ Amen …

Michael J Zenner


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