Day 40 ~ Reflecting by the River
Luke 11:9 ~ So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you?
So many thriving opportunities by, on, and within the river. Some include fishing the uniqueness of walleyes, crappies, muskies. Some include swimming, scuba-diving, waterskiing. Some include agate-hunting, sun-bathing, camping. Some include bird watching, barbecuing, relaxing. Some is actively including all ages of life, all races, all uniqueness’s. Live reassured that everything by, on, and within the river is within full-view of The Lord Our God. ?Nothing, absolutely nothing will ever go unnoticed. Everything by, on, and within the river is stimulating living hope. A free-gift to live enjoying, experiencing, engaging. Asking ~ Seeking ~ Knocking: It opens our heart to enjoy love, our mind to experience truthfulness, our soul to engage living hope.
Like the river. Everyday life is meant to stimulate living hope. Not one moment will be out-of-view within The Lord Our God. ?Every moment uniquely has purpose to love, worth to share, passion to live. Free-gifts to be intimately given, intimately found, intimately opened. Along this same river are free-gifts of heavenly faith. Gifts of living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. Heavenly gifts our sinfulness, our brokenness, our uniqueness can live asking, seeking, knocking and the life-changing door within The Lord Our God's powerful undeserved grace will be heavenly opened. An anointed door always willingly opened. A door within our heart to live agape love. A door within our mind to live sacrificial forgiveness. A door within our soul to live everlasting life in heaven. Asking ~ Seeking ~ Knocking: It opens the door of living hope cleansing, redeeming, restoring life’s brokenness. Our open sinfulness: It is forgivable.?
Living among the ways of this world drifts many doors. A world asking, seeking, knocking on doors drifting satan's ungodliness. A world finding living hope yet drifting lost within the chaotic chaos drifting along the river of everlasting life in heaven. One must live extremely cautiously asking, seeking, knocking among a world of open doors drifting ungodliness. So many distractions, so many disruptions, so many doors drifting untruthfulness. Doors ripping away at the agape love living within our heart, sacrificial forgiveness living within our mind, living hope living within our soul. Asking ~ Seeking ~ Knocking: It is a choice. a decision, a way of life.?
Ask: The Lord Our God how to seek, where to knock, which doors to enter. Ask for the agape love within Christ Jesus to live within our heart. Seek to find the protective truthfulness livable within the Holy Spirit. Knock on the heavenly door of living hope within Abba Father. Asking, seeking, knocking opens the door within heaven above. The life-changing door of undeserved grace that is intimately cleansing, redeeming, restoring sinfulness within true-repentance. The anointed door within The Lord Our God: It sacrificially cleanses our discipleship within Christ Jesus; It protectively redeems our discipleship within the Holy Spirit; it heavenly restores our discipleship within Abba Father. The door of living hope: It is drifting boldly, courageously, fearlessly among a world of ungodliness. ?This is not complicated.?
Our discipleship intimately lives within asking, within seeking, within knocking. Discipleshipping: It is drifting boldly, courageously, fearlessly opening the anointed door of living hope. A cleansing, redeeming, restoring open door within heaven above drifting protective promises to never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us. Asking, seeking, knocking and finding living hope within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit ~ Amen ...
Michael J Zenner
Army of God children's charity
3 个月Amen