Day 40: AWS EC2 Automation ????
Automation in EC2:
Amazon EC2, or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, can give you secure, reliable, high-performance, and cost-effective computing infrastructure to meet demanding business needs.
Launch template in AWS EC2:
Instance Types:
Amazon EC2 has a large number of instance types that are optimized for different uses. The different combinations of CPU, memory, storage and networking capacity in instance types give you the freedom to choose the right mix of resources for your apps. Each instance type comes with one or more instance sizes, so you can adjust your resources to meet the needs of the workload you want to run.
An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is an image that AWS supports and keeps up to date. It contains the information needed to start an instance. When you launch an instance, you must choose an AMI. When you need multiple instances with the same configuration, you can launch them from a single AMI.
Create a launch template with Amazon Linux 2 AMI and t2.micro instance type with Jenkins and Docker setup.
Build 3 instances using the Launch Template; can you locate the option that displays the number of instances to be launched?
You may take it a step further and make an auto-scaling group.
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