Day 4 | UXPin | Visualising a Design with Wireframes (A Dev-to-Design Series)
Weizhi Chen
Leading Front-End Dev | Telerik Expert | UXPin & GitKraken Ambassador | 4X Feat. Technical Writer (since 2015)
After having a really productive day doing my deep-dive into various topics within the React library, I have been feeling quite pleased with myself. Like in my most recent post, I shared about how it's usually impossible to do a deep-dive into certain topics while in the midst of a project or gig. It is usually only during a lull period that I get to have the time to really dig into what I want to know more about.
You can read my progress report here:
Forever an Old School UX Designer
Now that the weekend is here, I thought I would reward myself with some time to work on my personal project. For the last few weeks, I've been having this idea inside my head. I wanted to create a showcase project for some time, but I never did have a very nice idea to run with. Not until fairly recently.
Having done freelancing for more than 18 years, I had this idea to create a website or app that would aim to promote/encourage greater collaboration between freelancers and project owners. In my head, the goal of this website is unlike the usual professional networking sites like LinkedIn, or the typical websites that allows freelancers to put up advertisements of their services and hope that potential project owners/companies would reach out to them.
I think part of calling it a "collaboration" means it requires two-sides to be proactive in searching and interacting with each other. Not just one side being really active while all the other side could do is to wait for news.
I also have a few pretty cool ideas of what I would like to implement into the design of this website. Those ideas include:
- integration with user journey mapping (CX) and AI
- in many ways, perhaps the AI working in the background will also encourage project owners to be more proactive in engaging with potential freelancers.
- designing an online payment system for managing project transactions between the project owners and freelancers (many websites don't have this feature).
- AI will also be useful in helping to map and match the projects/project owners with the freelancers, and vice versa.
But ofcourse, these are just ideas off the top of my head. You got any interesting ideas you think I can add to this project?
UXPin | My Comfort UX Prototyping Tool
Having done UX design actively for the last 7~8 years, I have tried and experienced using many different UX prototyping applications/services. Even with the increasing popularity of Figma , I still found myself drawn towards my favourite prototyping tool of all time - UXPin . I seriously have nothing against Figma. I think it is still a pretty amazing UX design & collaboration service. But this is more of a personal preference I suppose. I just find that no other prototyping tool has been able to do what the team at UXPin has done - streamlining the workflows for UX designers.
What does it really mean to "streamline workflow"?
From a user's perspective, when a process is being streamlined, it makes it easier for designers to perform their day-to-day design and prototyping tasks. It also means that the development team was able to hide away (or take out) many of the unnecessary bells-and-whistles that might otherwise make the process more cumbersome. Sometimes, as a designer working in a fast-paced environment, all you really want to do is to be productive and effective. Why spend an hour doing something when you can do it in half the time, right?
That, to me is what the team behind UXPin has managed to do. Everything about UXPin has been streamlined for maximum designer productivity. I am also super appreciative about the fact that they don't just keep adding stuff year on year. They have been super careful about what they want to add to their product. And when they do decide to add something new, it is always because it would help to enhance the streamlined workflow.
So, in thinking about my personal project, I wanted to take my inspiration from a few websites that I've liked as a developer. However, I will also say that I didn't like everything that I see on those websites. So what I wanted to do was to take the best of what I've seen, and incorporate them into my own project.
At the same time, I also want to come up with my own design elements that would make this website better than the rest of the websites that I have experienced to date. Why design something unless you want to create something better, create a better user experience for the intended users.
Where I Plan to Go With This...
I gotta be honest, I didn't really give it any serious thoughts about turning this website idea into an actual working website with real users. But hey, things are still early, and anything could happen. Who knows, maybe I might just turn this into something real in the near future.
Serious though, my original intention for creating this project showcase is so that I could showcase and demonstrate my skills and what I can do. At the same time, I'm also planning to use 100% KendoReact controls from Telerik ( Progress ) for the building of this website. Everything from the buttons, the textfields, drop down lists, the checkboxes and more.
The other purpose that I have for this project showcase, is also to use 1-2 pages from this website as part of a sample project for an ebook that I'll be working on. Like with any technical resource books, there is always a sample project for readers to follow along with. I thought the search page would certainly be one of those pages. Maybe a project details page might be another page I can use too.
Alright, let's not get ahead of myself. I will continue to work on the wireframes for some of the other pages of this project showcase.