Day 4 ~ Reflecting by the River

Day 4 ~ Reflecting by the River

?Luke 10:27 ~ He answered: “Love The Lord Your God with all our heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and Love Your neighbor as Yourself”?

Everyone has a thriving passion taking up their time, their energy, their resources. It's a priority within their life that is actively living within their heart, their mind, their soul ~ The very inner-core of their thriving life. That passion: It thrives within the intimacy within The Lord Our God ~ A free-gift to love the unloved, forgive the unforgiven, and help the helpless.?

Our Lord Christ Jesus reminds all of life. Our life personally about the importance of loving within all our strength. Getting personally involved. Making a positive difference. Engaging a world of brokenness within that heavenly passion that changes lives, rebuilds families, creates relationships. That passion thriving with living hope to live, living hope to love, living hope to forgive. That passion: It is living abundantly within The Lord Our God serving purpose to engage without judgement, condemnation, or inflicting humanistic beliefs. Remember ~ Living hope engages hopelessness with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our soul. Living hope is that motivational love living abundantly within our very inner-core of thriving life. With all our strength: It means our life. We leave nothing behind, giving it our all from within our heart, our mind, our soul, our very inner-core of our thriving life.?

Within all our strength. It is not making things complicated. It is not our way or no way. It is a way of life living within the life-changing gospel engageable within Our Lord Christ Jesus ~ Holy Spirit ~ Abba Father. It's what our life values. It's what our life lives everyday believing. It's within our beliefs. It's where our everyday priorities of integrity interconnect within heaven above; engaging our thriving passion.?

Loving ~ The Lord Our God and loving our neighbor as ourselves is living an active life of discipleshipping. It is taking intentional action within our engageable heavenly faith. Somewhere within this day, our living faith will actively engage within the faithless. Do not live fearing what The Lord Our God is actively creating, uniquely designing, and intimately putting into motion within every moment of life.??

Remember ~ The life-changing gospel within Our Lord Christ Jesus is actively living, loving, forgiving. It is fully engageable. It is vibrantly alive cleansing, redeeming, restoring all life’s brokenness. Within our discipleship lives intimacy of heaven above within our heart, our mind, our soul. Just live our uniquely gifted discipleship intimately forgiven; cleansed, redeemed, restored within Our Lord Christ Jesus. Living our life within the mightily dwelling Holy Spirit. Living our life protectively blessed within Abba Father. Living our discipleship everyday boldly, courageously, fearlessly engaging priorities and living passions thriving within our inner-core of life. Within our heart our life can love Our Lord Christ Jesus. Within our mind our life can listen to the mightily dwelling Holy Spirit. Within our soul our life can live protectively within Abba Father. Within our inner-core of thriving life: our heart, our mind, our soul. Our discipleship can actively live loving our neighbor as ourselves within living hope. Living heavenly strengthened, cleansed, redeemed, restored within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit ~ Amen ...

Michael J Zenner


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