Day 4. Justice
Elena Agafonova
?? Helping Midlife Professionals Reinvent Their Careers with Confidence
Hey! So great to see you here again!
??Please read the descriptions of the exercises and perform them as you wish.?
???After completing the exercises, rate your level of happiness on a scale of 0 to 10.?
If you find that a particular exercise brings you a high level of happiness (8-10), you have likely discovered a key virtue that can bring more meaning and satisfaction to your life.?
Day 4. Justice. Teamwork and Loyalty
Each person is responsible to all people for all people and for everything. F.M. Dostoevsky
?You excel as a member of a group. You are a loyal and dedicated teammate, you always do your share, and you work hard for the success of the group. This cluster of strengths reflects how well these statements apply to you in group situations. Do you pull your own weight? Do you value the group goals and purposes, even when they differ from your own? Do you respect those who are rightfully in positions of authority, like teachers or coaches? Do you meld your identity with that of the group? This strength is not mindless and automatic obedience, but at the same time, I do want to include respect for authority, an unfashionable strength that many parents wish to see their children develop?. M. Seligman.
A: ?I work at my best when I am in a group.
Very much like me - 5
Like me - 4
Neutral - 3
Unlike me - 2
Very much unlike me - 1
B: I hesitate to sacrifice my self-interest for the benefit of groups I am in.
Very much like me - 1
Like me - 2
Neutral - 3
Unlike me - 4
Very much unlike me - 5
Total your score for these two items. This is your teamwork and loyalty score ___
So, let's start practicing!
Circle of Influence & Circle of Concern
We all encounter countless challenges daily, whether it's related to family, work, politics, or global issues like climate change or epidemics. However, it's crucial to categorize these problems into two circles: the circle of influence and the circle of concern.?
The circle of concern holds everything that's beyond our control, while the circle of influence includes everything that we can manage.?
In simpler terms, the circle of influence is our area of responsibility.?
The circle of concern, on the other hand, is someone else's responsibility and not ours.?
To put this concept into action, take a blank sheet of paper and write down everything that's bothering you. Don't worry about sorting or analyzing them.?
Then, draw two circles on another sheet of paper, like this:?
Now, revisit your list of worries and cross off all the items that fall within the "circle of concern." This will help you reduce your worries.?
Next, move forward with the remaining tasks and tasks from the "circle of influence" by transferring them to your diary. Brainstorm ways to solve them, establish deadlines, and finish them with enthusiasm!
Keep expanding your "circle of influence" every day!?
Who am I in the team?
Assigning proper responsibilities within a team is crucial for its effective functioning. There are different methods available to determine these roles, such as the Belbin or Adizes method.?
Regardless of the method used, it is essential to assess your role accurately, while keeping in mind its limitations and possibilities. Successful teams involve members who perform their respective tasks and complement each other. As a first step, you can use the following questionnaire to determine which role best matches your preferences.
Simply read the definitions and select the role that closely aligns with your interests.
Now, knowing who you are in the team, try to define the roles of your colleagues and build productive relationships in the zone of your influence.